Namespace Aspose.BarCode.ComplexBarcode

Namespace Aspose.BarCode.ComplexBarcode


Class NameDescription
AddressAddress of creditor or debtor.

You can either set street, house number, postal code and town (type structured address) or address line 1 and 2 (type combined address elements). The type is automatically set once any of these fields is set. Before setting the fields, the address type is undetermined. If fields of both types are set, the address type becomes conflicting. Name and country code must always be set unless all fields are empty.

AlternativeSchemeAlternative payment scheme instructions
ComplexBarcodeGeneratorComplexBarcodeGenerator for backend complex barcode (e.g. SwissQR) images generation.
ComplexCodetextReaderComplexCodetextReader decodes codetext to specified complex barcode type.
HIBCLICCombinedCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores primary and secodary data.
HIBCLICComplexCodetextBase class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code.
HIBCLICPrimaryDataCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores primary data.
HIBCLICSecondaryAndAdditionalDataCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC LIC code which stores seconday data.
HIBCPASCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the HIBC PAS code.
HIBCPASRecordClass for storing HIBC PAS record.
Mailmark2DCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the Royal Mail 2D Mailmark code.
MailmarkCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the 4-state Royal Mailmark code.
MaxiCodeCodetextBase class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code.
MaxiCodeCodetextMode2Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 2.
MaxiCodeCodetextMode3Class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 3.
MaxiCodeSecondMessageBase class for encoding and decoding second message for MaxiCode barcode.
MaxiCodeStandardCodetextClass for encoding and decoding MaxiCode codetext for modes 4, 5 and 6.
MaxiCodeStandartSecondMessageClass for encoding and decoding standart second message for MaxiCode barcode.
MaxiCodeStructuredCodetextBase class for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the MaxiCode code for modes 2 and 3.
MaxiCodeStructuredSecondMessageClass for encoding and decoding structured second message for MaxiCode barcode.
PrimaryDataClass for storing HIBC LIC primary data.
SecondaryAndAdditionalDataClass for storing HIBC LIC secondary and additional data.
SwissQRBillSwissQR bill data
SwissQRCodetextClass for encoding and decoding the text embedded in the SwissQR code.


Interface NameDescription
IComplexCodetextInterface for complex codetext used with ComplexBarcodeGenerator.


Enum NameDescription
AddressTypeAddress type
HIBCLICDateFormatSpecifies the different types of date formats for HIBC LIC.
HIBCPASDataLocationHIBC PAS data location types.
HIBCPASDataTypeHIBC PAS record’s data types.
Mailmark2DType2D Mailmark Type defines size of Data Matrix barcode
SwissQRBill.QrBillStandardVersionSwissQR bill standard version