Enum SvgColorMode

Enum SvgColorMode

Namespace: Aspose.BarCode.Generation
Assembly: Aspose.BarCode.dll (25.2.0)

Possible modes for filling color in svg file, RGB is default and supported by SVG 1.1. RGBA, HSL, HSLA is allowed in SVG 2.0 standard. Even in RGB opacity will be set through “fill-opacity” parameter

public enum SvgColorMode


HSL = 2

HSL mode, example: fill=“hsl(17, 100%, 53%)” fill-opacity=“0.73”

HSLA = 3

HSLA mode, example: fill=“hsla(30, 50%, 70%, 0.8)”

RGB = 0

RGB mode, example: fill="#ff5511" fill-opacity=“0.73”. Default mode.

RGBA = 1

RGBA mode, example: fill=“rgba(255, 85, 17, 0.73)”
