ArcShape | Represents the arc shape. |
Area | Encapsulates the object that represents an area format. |
AutomaticFill | represents automatic fill. |
BaseShapeGuide | Represents the shape guide. |
Bevel | Represents a bevel of a shape |
Button | Represents the Forms control: Button |
CellsDrawing | Represents the auto shape and drawing object. |
ChartShape | Represents the shape of the chart. Properties and methods for the ChartObject object control the appearance and size of the embedded chart on the worksheet. |
CheckBox | Represents a check box object in a worksheet. |
CheckBoxCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox objects in a worksheet. |
ColorHelper | Provides helper functions about color. |
ComboBox | Represents the control form ComboBox. |
CommentShape | Represents the shape of the comment. |
CustomGeometry | Represents a custom geometric shape. |
CustomXmlShape | Represents Custom xml shape ,such as Ink. |
DialogBox | Represents the dialog box. |
Fill | Represents the fill format of the shape. |
FillFormat | Encapsulates the object that represents fill formatting for a shape. |
Format3D | This class specifies the 3D shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
Geometry | Represents a geometric shape. |
GlowEffect | This class specifies a glow effect, in which a color blurred outline is added outside the edges of the object. |
GradientFill | Represents the gradient fill. |
GradientStop | Represents the gradient stop. |
GradientStopCollection | Represents the gradient stop collection. |
GroupBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a groupbox in a spreadsheet. |
GroupFill | Represents this fill format should inherit the fill properties of the group. |
GroupShape | Represents the group shape which contains the individual shapes. |
Label | Encapsulates the object that represents a label in a spreadsheet. |
Line | Encapsulates the object that represents the line format. |
LineFormat | Represents all setting of the line. |
LineShape | Represents the line shape. |
ListBox | Represents a list box object. |
MsoFillFormat | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFillFormatHelper | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFormatPicture | Represents the picture format. |
MsoLineFormat | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoLineFormatHelper | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoTextFrame | Represents the text frame in a Shape object. |
NoneFill | Represents no fill. |
OleObject | Represents an OleObject in a worksheet. |
OleObjectCollection | Represents embedded OLE objects. |
Oval | Represents the oval shape. |
PatternFill | Encapsulates the object that represents pattern fill format |
PicFormatOption | Represents picture format option |
Picture | Encapsulates the object that represents a single picture in a spreadsheet. |
PictureCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture objects. |
RadioButton | Represents a radio button. |
RectangleShape | Represents the rectangle shape. |
ReflectionEffect | This class specifies a reflection effect. |
ScrollBar | Represents a scroll bar object. |
ShadowEffect | This class specifies the shadow effect of the chart element or shape. |
Shape | Represents the msodrawing object. |
ShapeCollection | Represents all the shape in a worksheet/chart. |
ShapeGuide | Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used to govern the geometry of the specified shape |
ShapeGuideCollection | Encapsulates a collection of shape guide |
ShapePath | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
ShapePathCollection | Represents path collection information in NotPrimitive autoshape |
ShapePathPoint | Represents an x-y coordinate within the path coordinate space. |
ShapePathPointCollection | Represents all shape path points. |
ShapePropertyCollection | This class specifies the visual shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
ShapeSegmentPath | Represents a segment path in a path of the freeform. |
ShapeSegmentPathCollection | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
SignatureLine | Represent the signature line. |
SmartArtShape | Represents the smart art. |
SolidFill | Encapsulates the object that represents solid fill format |
Spinner | Represents the Forms control: Spinner. |
TextBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a textbox in a spreadsheet. |
TextBoxCollection | Encapsulates a collection of Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox objects. |
TextEffectFormat | Contains properties and methods that apply to WordArt objects. |
TextureFill | Encapsulates the object that represents texture fill format |
ThreeDFormat | Represents a shape’s three-dimensional formatting. |
TilePicOption | Represents tile picture as texture. |
VmlShapeGuide | just for vml Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used to govern the geometry of the specified shape |
WebExtensionShape | Represents the shape of web extension. |