Enum DynamicFilterType
Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)
Dynamic filter type.
public enum DynamicFilterType
AboveAverage = 0
Shows values that are above average.
April = 12
Shows the dates that are in April, regardless of year.
August = 16
Shows the dates that are in August, regardless of year.
BelowAverage = 1
Shows values that are below average.
December = 9
Shows the dates that are in December, regardless of year.
February = 10
Shows the dates that are in February, regardless of year.
January = 6
Shows the dates that are in January, regardless of year.
July = 15
Shows the dates that are in July, regardless of year.
June = 14
Shows the dates that are in June, regardless of year.
LastMonth = 2
Shows last month’s dates.
LastQuarter = 3
Shows last quarter’s dates.
LastWeek = 4
Shows last week’s dates.
LastYear = 5
Shows last year’s dates.
March = 11
Shows the dates that are in March, regardless of year.
May = 13
Shows the dates that are in May, regardless of year.
NextMonth = 18
Shows next month’s dates.
NextQuarter = 19
Shows next quarter’s dates.
NextWeek = 20
Shows next week’s dates.
NextYear = 21
Shows next year’s dates.
None = 22
November = 8
Shows the dates that are in November, regardless of year.
October = 7
Shows the dates that are in October, regardless of year.
Quarter1 = 23
Shows the dates that are in the 1st quarter, regardless of year.
Quarter2 = 24
Shows the dates that are in the 2nd quarter, regardless of year.
Quarter3 = 25
Shows the dates that are in the 3rd quarter, regardless of year.
Quarter4 = 26
Shows the dates that are in the 4th quarter, regardless of year.
September = 17
Shows the dates that are in September, regardless of year.
ThisMonth = 27
Shows this month’s dates.
ThisQuarter = 28
Shows this quarter’s dates.
ThisWeek = 29
Shows this week’s dates.
ThisYear = 30
Shows this year’s dates.
Today = 31
Shows today’s dates.
Tomorrow = 32
Shows tomorrow’s dates.
YearToDate = 33
Shows the dates between the beginning of the year and today, inclusive.
Yesterday = 34
Shows yesterday’s dates.