Enum FileFormatType
Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)
Represents the file format types.
public enum FileFormatType
Azw3 = 777
Bmp = 54
Represents a BMP file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Chm = 784
Csv = 1
Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
Dbf = 515
Xbase Data file
Dif = 30
Data Interchange Format.
Doc = 31
Represents a doc file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Docm = 38
Represents a docm file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Docx = 27
Represents a docx file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Dotm = 40
Represents a dotm file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Dotx = 39
Represents a dotx file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Emf = 258
Windows Enhanced Metafile.
Epub = 775
Excel2 = 25
Represents an Excel2.1 xls file.
The file format is not supported
Excel3 = 24
Represents an Excel3.0 xls file.
The file format is not supported
Excel4 = 23
Represents an Excel4.0 xls file.
The file format is not supported
Excel95 = 22
Represents an Excel95 xls file.
Excel97To2003 = 5
Excel97-2003 spreadsheet file.
Fods = 59
Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
GZip = 35615
Rrepesents GZip file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Gif = 322
GraphChart = 58
Represents embedded graph chart.
Html = 12
HTML format.
Jpg = 261
Json = 513
MHtml = 17
MHTML (Web archive) format.
MapiMessage = 33
Represents a email file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Markdown = 57
Represents markdown document.
MicrosoftCabinet = 773
Rrepesents Microsoft Cabinet file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
MsEquation = 34
Represents the MS Equation 3.0 object.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Numbers09 = 56
Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
Numbers35 = 62
Represents Numbers 3.5 file format since 2014 by Apple Inc
Odf = 49
Represents an ODF file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Odg = 50
Represents an ODG file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Odp = 48
Represents a ODP file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ods = 14
Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.
Odt = 47
Represents an ODT file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ole = 64
Represents the embedded ole object.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ole10Native = 35
Represents the embedded native object.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
OneNote = 772
Rrepesents One Note file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ooxml = 46
Represents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc).
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type. If the office open xml file is encrypted, it could not be detected as xlsx ,docx, pptx,etc.
Otp = 61
Represents a OTP file.
The file format is not supported. Only for detecting file type.
Ots = 55
Represents an ots file.
Ott = 53
Represents an OTT file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Oxps = 776
OXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) format.
Pdf = 13
PDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.
Png = 262
Portable Network Graphics.
Potm = 43
Represents a Potm file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Potx = 42
Represents a Potx file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ppsm = 45
Represents a ppsm file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ppsx = 44
Represents a ppsx file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Ppt = 32
Represents a ppt file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Pptm = 41
Represents a pptm file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Pptx = 26
Represents a pptx file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Rtf = 774
SpreadsheetML = 15
Excel 2003 XML Data file.
SqlScript = 514
Svg = 28
SVG file.
Sxc = 60
Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
TabDelimited = 11
Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file, same with Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Tsv.
Tiff = 21
Represents a TIFF file.
Tsv = 11
Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
Unknown = 255
Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
Vsd = 36
Represents MS Visio VSD binary format.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Vsdx = 37
Represents MS Visio 2013 VSDX file format.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
WebP = 323
Wmf = 259
Windows Metafile.
XHtml = 771
Rrepesents XHtml file.
Xlam = 10
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML addinMacro-Enabled file.
Xlsb = 16
The Excel Binary File Format (.xlsb)
Xlsm = 7
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled file.
Xlsx = 6
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML file (macro-free).
Xlt = 52
Excel97-2003 spreadsheet template.
Xltm = 9
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled Template.
Xltx = 8
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Template (macro-free).
Xml = 51
Represents a simple xml file.
The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
Xps = 20
XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.