Enum IconSetType

Enum IconSetType

Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)

Icon set type for conditional formatting. The threshold values for triggering the different icons within a set are configurable, and the icon order is reversible.

public enum IconSetType


Arrows3 = 0

3 arrows icon set.

Arrows4 = 8

4 arrows icon set.

Arrows5 = 13

5 arrows icon set.

ArrowsGray3 = 1

3 gray arrows icon set.

ArrowsGray4 = 9

4 gray arrows icon set.

ArrowsGray5 = 14

5 gray arrows icon set.

Boxes5 = 18

5 boxes set

ColorSmilies3 = 23

3 color smilies. Only for .ods.

CustomSet = 21

CustomSet. This element is read-only.

Flags3 = 2

3 flags icon set.

None = 20


Quarters5 = 15

5 quarters icon set.

Rating4 = 10

4 ratings icon set.

Rating5 = 16

5 rating icon set.

RedToBlack4 = 11

4 ‘red to black’ icon set.

Signs3 = 3

3 signs icon set.

Smilies3 = 22

3 smilies. Only for .ods.

Stars3 = 17

3 stars set

Symbols3 = 4

3 symbols icon set (circled).

Symbols32 = 5

3 Symbols icon set (uncircled).

TrafficLights31 = 6

3 traffic lights icon set (unrimmed).

TrafficLights32 = 7

3 traffic lights icon set with thick black border.

TrafficLights4 = 12

4 traffic lights icon set.

Triangles3 = 19

3 triangles set