Enum LoadDataFilterOptions

Enum LoadDataFilterOptions

Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)

Represents the options to filter data when loading workbook from template.

public enum LoadDataFilterOptions


All = 2147483647

Load all

BookSettings = 1048576

Load settings for workbook

CellBlank = 1

Load cells whose value is blank

CellBool = 16

Load cells whose value is bool

CellData = 67108927

Load cells data including values, formulas and formatting

CellError = 8

Load cells whose value is error

CellNumeric = 4

Load cells whose value is numeric(including datetime)

CellString = 2

Load cells whose value is string

CellValue = 31

Load cells value(all value types) only

Chart = 256

Load charts

ConditionalFormatting = 2048

Load conditional formatting

DataValidation = 4096

Load data validations

DefinedNames = 16777216

Load defined Name objects

DocumentProperties = 8388608

Load document properties

Drawing = 402653952

Drawing objects(including Chart, Picture, OleObject and all other drawing objects)

Formula = 32

Load cell formulas.

Generally defined Name objects(DefinedNames) also need to be loaded when loading formulas because they may be referenced by formulas. So Formula or CellData option should work with DefinedNames option together(Formula|DefinedNames or CellData|DefinedNames) for most scenarios.

Hyperlinks = 32768

Load hyperlinks

MergedArea = 1024

Load merged cells

OleObject = 268435456

Load OleObjects

Picture = 134217728

Load pictures

PivotTable = 8192

Load pivot tables

Revision = 536870912

Load revision logs

Settings = 1114112

Load settings for workbook and worksheet

SheetData = 403701759

Load all data of worksheet, such as cells data, settings, objects, …etc.

SheetSettings = 65536

Load settings for worksheet

Structure = 4194304

Load structure of the workbook

Style = 67108864

Load styles for cell formatting

Table = 16384

Load tables

VBA = 33554432

Load VBA projects

XmlMap = 2097152

Load XmlMap