Enum LoadFormat

Enum LoadFormat

Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)

Represents the load file format.

public enum LoadFormat


Auto = 0

Represents recognizing the format automatically.

Azw3 = 53

Represents an AZW3 file.

Chm = 54

Represents a CHM file.

Csv = 1

Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.

Dbf = 515

Xbase Data file

Dif = 30

Data Interchange Format.

Epub = 52

Reprents an EPUB file.

Excel97To2003 = 5

Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.

Fods = 59

Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.

Html = 12

Represents a html file.

Image = 254


Json = 513


MHtml = 13

Represents a mhtml file.

Numbers = 56

Represents a numbers file.

Ods = 14

Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.

Ots = 31

Open Document Template Sheet(OTS) file.

SpreadsheetML = 15

Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.

Sxc = 60

Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.

TabDelimited = 11

Represents a tab delimited text file, same with Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Tsv.

Tsv = 11

Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.

Unknown = 255

Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.

Xlsb = 16

Represents an xlsb file.

Xlsx = 6

Represents Office Open XML spreadsheetML workbook or template, with or without macros.

Xml = 51

Represents a simple xml file.