Namespace Aspose.Cells.Markup

Namespace Aspose.Cells.Markup


Class NameDescription
CustomXmlPartRepresents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
CustomXmlPartCollectionRepresents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
SmartTagRepresents a smart tag.
SmartTagCollectionRepresents all smart tags in the cell.
SmartTagOptionsRepresents the options of the smart tag.
SmartTagPropertyRepresents the property of the cell smart tag.
SmartTagPropertyCollectionRepresents all properties of cell smart tag.
SmartTagSettingRepresents all Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection object in the worksheet.


Enum NameDescription
SmartTagShowTypeRepresents the show type of the smart tag.