Enum PivotFilterType

Enum PivotFilterType

Namespace: Aspose.Cells.Pivot
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)

Represents PivotTable Filter type.

public enum PivotFilterType


April = 30

Indicates the “April” filter for date values.

August = 34

Indicates the “August” filter for date values.

CaptionBeginsWith = 0

Indicates the “begins with” filter for field captions.

CaptionBetween = 1

Indicates the “is between” filter for field captions.

CaptionContains = 2

Indicates the “contains” filter for field captions.

CaptionEndsWith = 3

Indicates the “ends with” filter for field captions.

CaptionEqual = 4

Indicates the “equal” filter for field captions.

CaptionGreaterThan = 5

Indicates the “is greater than” filter for field captions.

CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual = 6

Indicates the “is greater than or equal to” filter for field captions.

CaptionLessThan = 7

Indicates the “is less than” filter for field captions.

CaptionLessThanOrEqual = 8

Indicates the “is less than or equal to” filter for field captions.

CaptionNotBeginsWith = 9

Indicates the “does not begin with” filter for field captions.

CaptionNotBetween = 10

Indicates the “is not between” filter for field captions.

CaptionNotContains = 11

Indicates the “does not contain” filter for field captions.

CaptionNotEndsWith = 12

Indicates the “does not end with” filter for field captions.

CaptionNotEqual = 13

Indicates the “not equal” filter for field captions.

Count = 14

Indicates the “count” filter.

DateAfter = 17

Indicates the “after” filter for date values.

DateAfterOrEqual = 18

Indicates the “after or equal to” filter for date values.

DateBefore = 21

Indicates the “before” filter for date values.

DateBeforeOrEqual = 22

Indicates the “before or equal to” filter for date values.

DateBetween = 15

Indicates the “between” filter for date values.

DateEqual = 16

Indicates the “equals” filter for date values.

DateNotBetween = 19

Indicates the “not between” filter for date values.

DateNotEqual = 20

Indicates the “does not equal” filter for date values.

December = 38

Indicates the “December” filter for date values.

February = 28

Indicates the “February” filter for date values.

January = 27

Indicates the “January” filter for date values.

July = 33

Indicates the “July” filter for date values.

June = 32

Indicates the “June” filter for date values.

LastMonth = 23

Indicates the “last month” filter for date values.

LastQuarter = 24

Indicates the “last quarter” filter for date values.

LastWeek = 25

Indicates the “last week” filter for date values.

LastYear = 26

Indicates the “last year” filter for date values.

March = 29

Indicates the “March” filter for date values.

May = 31

Indicates the “May” filter for date values.

NextMonth = 39

Indicates the “next month” filter for date values.

NextQuarter = 40

Indicates the “next quarter” for date values.

NextWeek = 41

Indicates the “next week” for date values.

NextYear = 42

Indicates the “next year” filter for date values.

None = 255

No filter.

November = 37

Indicates the “November” filter for date values.

October = 36

Indicates the “October” filter for date values.

Percent = 43

Indicates the “percent” filter for numeric values.

Quarter1 = 44

Indicates the “first quarter” filter for date values.

Quarter2 = 45

Indicates the “second quarter” filter for date values.

Quarter3 = 46

Indicates the “third quarter” filter for date values.

Quarter4 = 47

Indicates the “fourth quarter” filter for date values.

September = 35

Indicates the “September” filter for date values.

Sum = 48

Indicates the “sum” filter for numeric values.

ThisMonth = 49

Indicates the “this month” filter for date values.

ThisQuarter = 50

Indicates the “this quarter” filter for date values.

ThisWeek = 51

Indicates the “this week” filter for date values.

ThisYear = 52

Indicate the “this year” filter for date values.

Today = 53

Indicates the “today” filter for date values.

Tomorrow = 54

Indicates the “tomorrow” filter for date values.

Unknown = 55

Indicates the PivotTable filter is unknown to the application.

ValueBetween = 56

Indicates the “Value between” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueEqual = 57

Indicates the “value equal” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueGreaterThan = 58

Indicates the “value greater than” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueGreaterThanOrEqual = 59

Indicates the “value greater than or equal to” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueLessThan = 60

Indicates the “value less than” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueLessThanOrEqual = 61

Indicates the “value less than or equal to” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueNotBetween = 62

Indicates the “value not between” filter for text and numeric values.

ValueNotEqual = 63

Indicates the “value not equal” filter for text and numeric values.

YearToDate = 64

Indicates the “year-to-date” filter for date values.

Yesterday = 65

Indicates the “yesterday” filter for date values.