Enum StyleModifyFlag
Namespace: Aspose.Cells
Assembly: Aspose.Cells.dll (25.2.0)
The style modified flags.
public enum StyleModifyFlag
AlignmentSettings = 4161664
Indicates whether one or more alignment-related properties(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HorizontalAlignment, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.VerticalAlignment, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Rotation, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.WrapText, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.WrapText, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Indent, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.ShrinkToFit, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.TextDirection, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.RelativeIndent) have been modified.
All = 234881023
Indicates whether one or more properties have been modified for the style.
BackgroundColor = 16777216
Indicates whether background color has been modified.
Borders = 16224
Indicates whether one or more borders(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.LeftBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.RightBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.TopBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.BottomBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Diagonal, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HorizontalBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.VerticalBorder) have been modified for the style.
BottomBorder = 2048
Indicates whether bottom border has been modified for the style.
CellShading = 29360128
Indicates whether one or more shading-related properties(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Pattern, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.ForegroundColor, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.BackgroundColor) have been modified.
Diagonal = 12288
Indicates whether one or more diagonal borders(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.DiagonalDownBorder, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.DiagonalUpBorder) have been modified for the style.
DiagonalDownBorder = 4096
Indicates whether diagonal-down border has been modified for the style.
DiagonalUpBorder = 8192
Indicates whether diagonal-up border has been modified for the style.
Font = 31
Indicates whether one or more properties have been modified for the font of the style.
FontCap = 18
FontCharset = 10
Indicates whether charset of the font has been modified.
FontColor = 3
Indicates whether font color has been modified.
FontDirty = 12
FontEqualize = 17
FontFamily = 9
Indicates whether font family has been modified.
FontItalic = 5
Indicates whether italic property of font has been modified.
FontKerning = 16
FontName = 2
Indicates whether font name has been modified.
FontScheme = 11
FontScript = 8
Indicates whether subscript or superscript property of font has been modified.
FontSize = 1
Indicates whether font size has been modified.
FontSpacing = 15
FontSpellingError = 13
FontStrike = 7
Indicates whether strike property font has been modified.
FontUFillTx = 14
FontUnderline = 6
Indicates whether underline property of font has been modified.
FontVerticalText = 19
FontWeight = 4
Indicates whether font weight has been modified.
ForegroundColor = 8388608
Indicates whether foreground color has been modified.
HideFormula = 134217728
Indicates whether hide formula has been modified.
HorizontalAlignment = 32768
Indicates whether horizontal alignment has been modified.
HorizontalBorder = 32
Indicates whether horizontal border has been modified for the style. Only for dynamic style, such as conditional formatting.
Indent = 131072
Indicates whether indent property has been modified.
LeftBorder = 256
Indicates whether left border has been modified for the style.
Locked = 67108864
Indicates whether locked property has been modified.
NumberFormat = 16384
Indicates whether numberformat has been modified.
Pattern = 4194304
Indicates whether pattern of the shading has been modified.
ProtectionSettings = 201326592
Indicates whether one or more protection-related properties(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Locked, Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HideFormula) have been modified.
RelativeIndent = 128
Indicates whether relative indent property has been modified for the style. Only for dynamic style, such as conditional formatting.
RightBorder = 512
Indicates whether right border has been modified for the style.
Rotation = 262144
Indicates whether rotation property has been modified.
ShrinkToFit = 1048576
Indicates whether shrink to fit property has been modified.
TextDirection = 2097152
Indicates whether text direction property has been modified.
TopBorder = 1024
Indicates whether top border has been modified for the style.
VerticalAlignment = 65536
Indicates whether vertical alignment has been modified.
VerticalBorder = 64
Indicates whether vertical border has been modified for the style. Only for dynamic style, such as conditional formatting.
WrapText = 524288
Indicates whether wrap text property has been modified.