Attr | The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object. Typically the allowable values for the attribute are defined in a schema associated with the document. |
CDATASection | CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. |
CharacterData | The CharacterData extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM. |
Comment | Inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting ‘’. |
DOMException | The DOMException interface represents an abnormal event (called an exception) which occurs as a result of calling a method or accessing a property of a web API. This is basically how error conditions are described in web APIs. |
DOMObject | The DOMObject type is used to represent an base object for the entire Document Object Model. For Java and ECMAScript, DOMObject is bound to the Object type. |
Document | The Document represents the entire HTML, XML or SVG document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document’s data. |
DocumentFragment | DocumentFragment is a “lightweight” or “minimal” Document object. It is very common to want to be able to extract a portion of a document’s tree or to create a new fragment of a document. |
DocumentType | The DocumentType provides an interface to the list of entities that are defined for the document |
Element | The Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document. |
Entity | Represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document. |
EntityReference | EntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree. |
EventTarget | The Aspose.Html.Dom.EventTarget interface is implemented by all Nodes in an implementation which supports the DOM Event Model. Therefore, this interface can be obtained by using binding-specific casting methods on an instance of the Node interface. The interface allows registration and removal of Event Listeners on an Aspose.Html.Dom.EventTarget and dispatch of events to that Aspose.Html.Dom.Events.IEventTarget. |
Node | The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document object Model. It represents a single node in the document tree. |
Notation | Represents a notation declared in the DTD. |
ProcessingInstruction | The ProcessingInstruction represents a “processing instruction”, used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document. |
QualifiedName | Represents an HTML qualified name. |
ShadowRoot | ShadowRoot is a root node of shadow tree. |
Text | The Text interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr. |
TypeInfo | The TypeInfo represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas associated with the document. |