Class WheelEvent

Class WheelEvent

Namespace: Aspose.Html.Dom.Events
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)

The WheelEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with wheel events. To create an instance of the WheelEvent interface, use the WheelEvent constructor, passing an optional WheelEventInit dictionary.

public class WheelEvent : MouseEvent, INotifyPropertyChanged





Inherited Members

MouseEvent.ScreenX, MouseEvent.ScreenY, MouseEvent.ClientX, MouseEvent.ClientY, MouseEvent.CtrlKey, MouseEvent.ShiftKey, MouseEvent.AltKey, MouseEvent.MetaKey, MouseEvent.Button, MouseEvent.Buttons, MouseEvent.RelatedTarget, UIEvent.View, UIEvent.Detail, Event.NonePhase, Event.CapturingPhase, Event.AtTargetPhase, Event.BubblingPhase, Event.InitEvent(string, bool, bool), Event.PreventDefault(), Event.StopPropagation(), Event.StopImmediatePropagation(), Event.Bubbles, Event.Cancelable, Event.CurrentTarget, Event.EventPhase, Event.Target, Event.TimeStamp, Event.Type, Event.DefaultPrevented, Event.IsTrusted, DOMObject.GetPlatformType(), object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()



Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Html.Dom.Events.WheelEvent class.

public WheelEvent(string type)


type string

The event type.

WheelEvent(string, IDictionary<string, object="">)

Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Html.Dom.Events.WheelEvent class.

public WheelEvent(string type, IDictionary<string, object=""> eventInitDict)


type string

The event type.

eventInitDict IDictionary<string, object&gt;

The event initialize dictionary.



The units of measurement for the delta MUST be individual lines of text. This is the case for many form controls.

public const ulong DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1

Field Value



The units of measurement for the delta MUST be pages, either defined as a single screen or as a demarcated page.

public const ulong DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2

Field Value



The units of measurement for the delta MUST be pixels. This is the most typical case in most operating system and implementation configurations.

public const ulong DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0

Field Value




The deltaMode attribute contains an indication of the units of measurement for the delta values. The default value is DOM_DELTA_PIXEL (pixels).

public ulong DeltaMode { get; }

Property Value



In user agents where the default action of the wheel event is to scroll, the value MUST be the measurement along the x-axis (in pixels, lines, or pages) to be scrolled in the case where the event is not cancelled. Otherwise, this is an implementation-specific measurement (in pixels, lines, or pages) of the movement of a wheel device around the x-axis.

public double DeltaX { get; }

Property Value



In user agents where the default action of the wheel event is to scroll, the value MUST be the measurement along the y-axis (in pixels, lines, or pages) to be scrolled in the case where the event is not cancelled. Otherwise, this is an implementation-specific measurement (in pixels, lines, or pages) of the movement of a wheel device around the y-axis.

public double DeltaY { get; }

Property Value



In user agents where the default action of the wheel event is to scroll, the value MUST be the measurement along the z-axis (in pixels, lines, or pages) to be scrolled in the case where the event is not cancelled. Otherwise, this is an implementation-specific measurement (in pixels, lines, or pages) of the movement of a wheel device around the z-axis.

public double DeltaZ { get; }

Property Value

double </string,></string,>