Namespace Aspose.Html.Dom.Svg

Namespace Aspose.Html.Dom.Svg


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
SVGAElementThe SVGAElement interface corresponds to the ‘a’ element.
SVGAnimateElementThe SVGAnimateElement interface corresponds to the ‘animate’ element. Object-oriented access to the attributes of the ‘animate’ element via the SVG DOM is not available.
SVGAnimateMotionElementThe SVGAnimateMotionElement interface corresponds to the ‘animateMotion’ element. Object-oriented access to the attributes of the ‘animateMotion’ element via the SVG DOM is not available.
SVGAnimateTransformElementThe SVGAnimateTransformElement interface corresponds to the ‘animateTransform’ element. Object-oriented access to the attributes of the ‘animateTransform’ element via the SVG DOM is not available.
SVGAnimationElementThe SVGAnimationElement interface is the base interface for all of the animation element interfaces: SVGAnimateElement, SVGSetElement, SVGAnimateColorElement, SVGAnimateMotionElement and SVGAnimateTransformElement.
SVGCircleElementThe SVGCircleElement interface corresponds to the ‘circle’ element.
SVGClipPathElementThe SVGClipPathElement interface corresponds to the ‘clipPath’ element.
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementThis interface defines a base interface used by the component transfer function interfaces.
SVGCursorElementThe SVGCursorElement interface corresponds to the ‘cursor’ element.
SVGDefsElementThe SVGDefsElement interface corresponds to the ‘defs’ element.
SVGDescElementThe SVGDescElement interface corresponds to the ‘desc’ element.
SVGDocumentAn SVGDocument is the root of the SVG hierarchy and holds the entire content. Besides providing access to the hierarchy, it also provides some convenience methods for accessing certain sets of information from the document. When an ‘svg’ element is embedded inline as a component of a document from another namespace, such as when an ‘svg’ element is embedded inline within an XHTML document [XHTML], then an SVGDocument object will not exist; instead, the root object in the document object hierarchy will be a Document object of a different type, such as an HTMLDocument object. However, an SVGDocument object will indeed exist when the root element of the XML document hierarchy is an ‘svg’ element, such as when viewing a stand-alone SVG file(i.e., a file with MIME type “image/svg+xml”). In this case, the SVGDocument object will be the root object of the document object model hierarchy.
SVGElementAll of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language (such as the SVGPathElement interface for the ‘path’ element) derive from the SVGElement interface.
SVGElementInstanceThe root object of each use-element shadow tree implements the SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface. This interface does not currently define any extensions to the properties and methods defined for the ShadowRoot interface and DocumentOrShadowRoot mixin. However, the tree rooted at this node is entirely read-only from the perspective of author scripts.
SVGEllipseElementThe SVGEllipseElement interface corresponds to the ‘ellipse’ element.
SVGExceptionThis exception is raised when a specific SVG operation is impossible to perform.
SVGFilterElementThe SVGFilterElement interface corresponds to the ‘filter’ element.
SVGForeignObjectElementThe SVGForeignObjectElement interface corresponds to the ‘foreignObject’ element.
SVGGElementThe SVGGElement interface corresponds to the ‘g’ element.
SVGGeometryElementInterface SVGGeometryElement represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry with an equivalent path, and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths and the basic shapes.
SVGGradientElementThe SVGGradientElement interface is a base interface used by SVGLinearGradientElement and SVGRadialGradientElement.
SVGGraphicsElementThe SVGGraphicsElement interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group.
SVGImageElementThe SVGImageElement interface corresponds to the ‘image’ element.
SVGLineElementThe SVGLineElement interface corresponds to the ‘line’ element.
SVGLinearGradientElementThe SVGLinearGradientElement interface corresponds to the ‘linearGradient’ element.
SVGMPathElementThe SVGMPathElement interface corresponds to the ‘mpath’ element.
SVGMarkerElementThe SVGMarkerElement interface corresponds to the ‘marker’ element.
SVGMaskElementThe SVGMaskElement interface corresponds to the ‘mask’ element.
SVGMetadataElementThe SVGMetadataElement interface corresponds to the ‘metadata’ element.
SVGPathElementThe SVGPathElement interface corresponds to the ‘path’ element.
SVGPatternElementThe SVGPatternElement interface corresponds to the ‘pattern’ element.
SVGPolygonElementThe SVGPolygonElement interface corresponds to the ‘polygon’ element.
SVGPolylineElementThe SVGPolylineElement interface corresponds to the ‘polyline’ element.
SVGRadialGradientElementThe SVGRadialGradientElement interface corresponds to the ‘radialGradient’ element.
SVGRectElementThe SVGRectElement interface corresponds to the ‘rect’ element.
SVGSVGElementA key interface definition is the SVGSVGElement interface, which is the interface that corresponds to the ‘svg’ element. This interface contains various miscellaneous commonly-used utility methods, such as matrix operations and the ability to control the time of redraw on visual rendering devices.
SVGScriptElementThe SVGScriptElement interface corresponds to the ‘script’ element.
SVGSetElementThe SVGSetElement interface corresponds to the ‘set’ element. Object-oriented access to the attributes of the ‘set’ element via the SVG DOM is not available.
SVGStopElementThe SVGStopElement interface corresponds to the ‘stop’ element.
SVGStyleElementThe SVGStyleElement interface corresponds to the ‘style’ element.
SVGSwitchElementThe SVGSwitchElement interface corresponds to the ‘switch’ element.
SVGSymbolElementThe SVGSymbolElement interface corresponds to the ‘symbol’ element.
SVGTSpanElementThe SVGTSpanElement interface corresponds to the ‘tspan’ element.
SVGTextContentElementThe SVGTextContentElement is inherited by various text-related interfaces, such as SVGTextElement, SVGTSpanElement, SVGTRefElement, SVGAltGlyphElement and SVGTextPathElement. For the methods on this interface that refer to an index to a character or a number of characters, these references are to be interpreted as an index to a UTF-16 code unit or a number of UTF-16 code units, respectively. This is for consistency with DOM Level 2 Core, where methods on the CharacterData interface use UTF-16 code units as indexes and counts within the character data.Thus for example, if the text content of a ‘text’ element is a single non-BMP character, such as U+10000, then invoking getNumberOfChars on that element will return 2 since there are two UTF-16 code units(the surrogate pair) used to represent that one character.
SVGTextElementThe SVGTextElement interface corresponds to the ‘text’ element.
SVGTextPathElementThe SVGTextPathElement interface corresponds to the ‘textPath’ element.
SVGTextPositioningElementThe SVGTextPositioningElement interface is inherited by text-related interfaces: SVGTextElement, SVGTSpanElement, SVGTRefElement and SVGAltGlyphElement.
SVGTitleElementThe SVGTitleElement interface corresponds to the ‘title’ element.
SVGUseElementThe SVGUseElement interface corresponds to the ‘use’ element.
SVGViewElementThe SVGViewElement interface corresponds to the ‘view’ element.


Interface NameDescription
ISVGAnimatedPointsThe SVGAnimatedPoints interface supports elements which have a ‘points’ attribute which holds a list of coordinate values and which support the ability to animate that attribute. Additionally, the ‘points’ attribute on the original element accessed via the XML DOM(e.g., using the getAttribute() method call) will reflect any changes made to points.
ISVGFitToViewBoxInterface SVGFitToViewBox defines DOM attributes that apply to elements which have XML attributes ‘viewBox’ and ‘preserveAspectRatio’.
ISVGRenderingIntentThe SVGRenderingIntent interface defines the enumerated list of possible values for ‘rendering-intent’ attributes or descriptors.
ISVGTestsInterface SVGTests defines an interface which applies to all elements which have attributes ‘requiredFeatures’, ‘requiredExtensions’ and ‘systemLanguage’.
ISVGURIReferenceInterface SVGURIReference defines an interface which applies to all elements which have the collection of XLink attributes, such as ‘xlink:href’, which define a URI reference.
ISVGUnitTypesThe SVGUnitTypes interface defines a commonly used set of constants and is a base interface used by SVGGradientElement, SVGPatternElement, SVGClipPathElement, SVGMaskElement and SVGFilterElement.
ISVGZoomAndPanThe SVGZoomAndPan interface defines attribute zoomAndPan and associated constants.


Enum NameDescription
SVGRenderingIntentThe SVGRenderingIntent enumeration defines the enumerated list of possible values for ‘rendering-intent’ attributes or descriptors.
SVGUnitTypesThe SVGUnitTypes enumeration defines a commonly used set of constants and is a base interface used by SVGGradientElement, SVGPatternElement, SVGClipPathElement, SVGMaskElement and SVGFilterElement.
SVGZoomAndPanThe SVGZoomAndPan enumeration defines attribute zoomAndPan and associated constants.