Namespace Aspose.Html.Dom.Svg.DataTypes

Namespace Aspose.Html.Dom.Svg.DataTypes


Class NameDescription
SVGAngleThe SVGAngle interface corresponds to the angle basic data type.
SVGAnimatedAngleUsed for attributes of basic data type angle that can be animated.
SVGAnimatedBooleanUsed for attributes of type boolean which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedEnumerationUsed for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedIntegerUsed for attributes of basic type integer which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedLengthUsed for attributes of basic type length which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedLengthListUsed for attributes of type SVGLengthList which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedNumberUsed for attributes of basic type number which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedNumberListUsed for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioUsed for attributes of type SVGPreserveAspectRatio which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedRectUsed for attributes of type SVGRect which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedStringUsed for attributes of type DOMString which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedTransformListUsed for the various attributes which specify a set of transformations, such as the ‘transform’ attribute which is available for many of SVG’s elements, and which can be animated.
SVGAnimatedValue<t>Used for attributes of types which can be animated.
SVGLengthThe SVGLength interface corresponds to the length basic data type. An SVGLength object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.
SVGLengthListThis interface defines a list of SVGLength objects.
SVGMatrixMany of SVG’s graphics operations utilize 2x3 matrices of the form:
[a c e]
[b d f]
which, when expanded into a 3x3 matrix for the purposes of matrix arithmetic, become:
[a c e]
[b d f]
[0 0 1]

SVGNumber | Used for attributes of basic type number. | | SVGNumberList | This interface defines a list of SVGNumber objects. | | SVGPoint | Many of the SVG DOM interfaces refer to objects of class SVGPoint. An SVGPoint is an (x, y) coordinate pair. When used in matrix operations, an SVGPoint is treated as a vector of the form: | | [x] [y] [1] If an SVGRect object is designated as read only, then attempting to assign to one of its attributes will result in an exception being thrown.

SVGPointList | This interface defines a list of SVGPoint objects. | | SVGPreserveAspectRatio | The SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface corresponds to the ‘preserveAspectRatio’ attribute, which is available for some of SVG’s elements. | | SVGRect | Represents rectangular geometry. Rectangles are defined as consisting of a (x,y) coordinate pair identifying a minimum X value, a minimum Y value, and a width and height, which are usually constrained to be non-negative. | | SVGStringList | SVGStringList has the same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces. Implementers may consider using a single base class to implement the various SVGxxxList interfaces. | | SVGTransform | SVGTransform is the interface for one of the component transformations within an SVGTransformList; thus, an SVGTransform object corresponds to a single component (e.g., ‘scale(…)’ or ‘matrix(…)’) within a ‘transform’ attribute specification. | | SVGTransformList | This interface defines a list of SVGTransform objects. | | SVGValueType | The SVGValueType type is used to represent an base SVG value type. </t> |