Class SVGZoomEvent
Namespace: Aspose.Html.Dom.Svg.Events
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)
The zoom event occurs when the user initiates an action which causes the current view of the SVG document fragment to be rescaled. Event handlers are only recognized on ‘svg’ elements.
public class SVGZoomEvent : Event, INotifyPropertyChanged
object ← DOMObject ← Event ← SVGZoomEvent
Inherited Members
Event.NonePhase, Event.CapturingPhase, Event.AtTargetPhase, Event.BubblingPhase, Event.InitEvent(string, bool, bool), Event.PreventDefault(), Event.StopPropagation(), Event.StopImmediatePropagation(), Event.Bubbles, Event.Cancelable, Event.CurrentTarget, Event.EventPhase, Event.Target, Event.TimeStamp, Event.Type, Event.DefaultPrevented, Event.IsTrusted, DOMObject.GetPlatformType(), object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
The scale factor that will be in place after the zoom operation has been processed.
public float NewScale { get; }
Property Value
The translation values that will be in place after the zoom operation has been processed. The SVGPoint object is read only.
public SVGPoint NewTranslate { get; }
Property Value
The scale factor from previous zoom operations that was in place before the zoom operation occurred.
public float PreviousScale { get; }
Property Value
The translation values from previous zoom operations that were in place before the zoom operation occurred. The SVGPoint object is read only.
public SVGPoint PreviousTranslate { get; }
Property Value
The specified zoom rectangle in screen units. The SVGRect object is read only.
public SVGRect ZoomRectScreen { get; }