Namespace Aspose.Html.Drawing

Namespace Aspose.Html.Drawing


Class NameDescription
AngleThe angle data type
ColorThe Color class lets you specify colors as Red-Green-Blue (RGB) values, Hue-Saturation-Luminosity (HSL) values, Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) values, Hue-Whiteness-Blackness (HWB) values, lightness-A-B (LAB) values, Luminance-Chroma-Hue (LCH) values, Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key (CMYK) values, Natural colors (NCOL) values, or with a color name. An Alpha channel is also available to indicate transparency.
DimensionProvides the base class for dimensions. The general term ‘dimension’ refers to a number with a unit attached to it, and are denoted by Aspose.Html.Drawing.UnitType.
FrequencyThe ‘frequency’ unit.
LengthRepresents a length measurement unit.
LengthOrAutoRepresents a container for storage length or ‘auto’ units..
MarginRepresents page margin.
NumericProvides the base class for numeric types.
PageRepresents a page object is used for configuration output page. The lacuna value for page size is A4(210x297mm)
ResolutionRepresents a resolution unit.
SizeStores a values which specify a Height and Width.
TimeRepresents a time unit.
UnitProvides the base class for units of measurement.
UnitTypeSpecifies the unit of measurement.


Interface NameDescription
IBrushDeclares method for getting of brush type.
IColorComponentsDeclares method and properties for processing color components.
IDrawingFactoryRepresents a factory for creating drawing-related objects.
IGradientBrushDeclare methods for getting common properties of gradient brushes.
IInterpolationColorDesclares methods for getting interpolation color.
ILinearGradientBrushDefines an interface for a brush with a linear gradient.
IMatrixRepresents a matrix used for transformations.
ISolidBrushDefines brush interface of a single color
ITextureBrushDefines brush interface that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape.
ITransformableBrushDesclares methods for getting transformation matrix and wrap mode.
ITrueTypeFontDeclares methods for working with TrueType fonts.


Enum NameDescription
BrushTypeSpecifies the type of brush.
ColorModelThis enumeration is used to select the color model for working with color components.
SpreadModeSpecifies how a texture or gradient is tiled when it is smaller than the area being filled.
WebFontStyleSpecifies the formatting applied to the text.
WebImageFormatSpecifies the supported image formats.
WebMatrixOrderSpecifies the order in which matrix transformations are applied.