Namespace Aspose.Html.Forms

Namespace Aspose.Html.Forms


Class NameDescription
ButtonElementThe ButtonElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLButtonElement.
DataListElementThe DataListElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLDataListElement
FormEditorThis class represents the editor over the Aspose.Html.HTMLFormElement that creates a easier way for .net developers to edit the html forms.
FormElementRepresents base class for form elements.
FormElement<t>The Aspose.Html.Forms.FormElement represent the generic field
FormSubmitterThis class allows to prepare specified Aspose.Html.HTMLFormElement, collects values from the form element, submit them to the remote server and receives a response.
InputElementThe InputElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLInputElement.
OptionCollectionThe OptionElements represents a wrapper that is associated with the IHTMLOptionsCollection
OptionElementThe OptionElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLOptionElement
SelectElementThe SelectElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLSelectElement
SubmissionResultThis class represents the result of the submitting form data to the server.
TextAreaElementThe TextAreaElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLTextAreaElement </t>


Enum NameDescription
ButtonTypeThis enumeration represents states of the button.
FormElementTypeRepresents an enumeration of the Form Elements types and their corresponding to the HTML Elements
InputElementTypeRepresent states of the input field.