Class HTMLAnchorElement
Namespace: Aspose.Html
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)
The anchor element. See the A element definition in HTML 4.01.
See also the Document object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification.
public class HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement, INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers
object ← DOMObject ← EventTarget ← Node ← Element ← HTMLElement ← HTMLAnchorElement
INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers
Inherited Members
HTMLElement.Id, HTMLElement.Title, HTMLElement.Lang, HTMLElement.Dir, HTMLElement.ClassName, HTMLElement.Style, HTMLElement.OnAbort, HTMLElement.OnBlur, HTMLElement.OnCancel, HTMLElement.OnCanplay, HTMLElement.OnCanPlayThrough, HTMLElement.OnChange, HTMLElement.OnClick, HTMLElement.OnCueChange, HTMLElement.OnDblClick, HTMLElement.OnDurationChange, HTMLElement.OnEmptied, HTMLElement.OnEnded, HTMLElement.OnError, HTMLElement.OnFocus, HTMLElement.OnInput, HTMLElement.OnInvalid, HTMLElement.OnKeyDown, HTMLElement.OnKeyPress, HTMLElement.OnKeyUp, HTMLElement.OnLoad, HTMLElement.OnLoadedData, HTMLElement.OnLoadedMetadata, HTMLElement.OnLoadStart, HTMLElement.OnMouseDown, HTMLElement.OnMouseEnter, HTMLElement.OnMouseLeave, HTMLElement.OnMouseMove, HTMLElement.OnMouseOut, HTMLElement.OnMouseOver, HTMLElement.OnMouseUp, HTMLElement.OnMouseWheel, HTMLElement.OnPause, HTMLElement.OnPlay, HTMLElement.OnPlaying, HTMLElement.OnProgress, HTMLElement.OnRateChange, HTMLElement.OnReset, HTMLElement.OnResize, HTMLElement.OnScroll, HTMLElement.OnSeeked, HTMLElement.OnSeeking, HTMLElement.OnSelect, HTMLElement.OnShow, HTMLElement.OnStalled, HTMLElement.OnSubmit, HTMLElement.OnSuspend, HTMLElement.OnTimeUpdate, HTMLElement.OnToggle, HTMLElement.OnVolumeChange, HTMLElement.OnWaiting, Element.GetAttributeNames(), Element.HasAttributes(), Element.GetAttribute(string), Element.GetAttributeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttribute(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNS(string, string, string), Element.RemoveAttribute(string), Element.RemoveAttributeNS(string, string), Element.HasAttribute(string), Element.HasAttributeNS(string, string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string, bool), Element.GetAttributeNode(string), Element.SetAttributeNode(Attr), Element.RemoveAttributeNode(Attr), Element.GetAttributeNodeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNodeNS(Attr), Element.GetElementsByTagName(string), Element.GetElementsByTagNameNS(string, string), Element.Remove(), Element.QuerySelectorAll(string), Element.QuerySelector(string), Element.AttachShadow(ShadowRootMode), Element.GetElementsByClassName(string), Element.Dispose(bool), Element.ClassList, Element.LocalName, Element.NamespaceURI, Element.Prefix, Element.NodeName, Element.NodeType, Element.TagName, Element.Id, Element.ClassName, Element.TextContent, Element.Attributes, Element.FirstElementChild, Element.LastElementChild, Element.PreviousElementSibling, Element.NextElementSibling, Element.ChildElementCount, Element.Children, Element.InnerHTML, Element.OuterHTML, Element.ShadowRoot, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, Node.ENTITY_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, Node.NOTATION_NODE, Node.HasChildNodes(), Node.Normalize(), Node.CloneNode(), Node.CloneNode(bool), Node.IsEqualNode(Node), Node.IsSameNode(Node), Node.LookupPrefix(string), Node.LookupNamespaceURI(string), Node.IsDefaultNamespace(string), Node.InsertBefore(Node, Node), Node.ReplaceChild(Node, Node), Node.RemoveChild(Node), Node.AppendChild(Node), Node.Dispose(bool), Node.ToString(), Node.NodeType, Node.LocalName, Node.NamespaceURI, Node.Prefix, Node.NodeName, Node.BaseURI, Node.OwnerDocument, Node.ParentNode, Node.ParentElement, Node.ChildNodes, Node.FirstChild, Node.LastChild, Node.PreviousSibling, Node.NextSibling, Node.NodeValue, Node.TextContent, EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.DispatchEvent(Event), EventTarget.Dispose(), EventTarget.Dispose(bool), DOMObject.GetPlatformType(), object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
A single character access key to give access to the form control. See the accesskey attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string AccessKey { get; set; }
Property Value
The character encoding of the linked resource. See the charset attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Charset { get; set; }
Property Value
Comma-separated list of lengths, defining an active region geometry.
See also shape
for the shape of the region. See the
coords attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Coords { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the hash segment of the associated URL.
public string Hash { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the host and port segments of the associated URL.
public string Host { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the host segment of the associated URL.
public string Hostname { get; set; }
Property Value
The absolute URI [IETF RFC 2396] of the linked resource. See the href attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Href { get; set; }
Property Value
Language code of the linked resource. See the hreflang attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Hreflang { get; set; }
Property Value
Anchor name. See the name attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Name { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets a string representation of the origin segment of the associated URL.
public string Origin { get; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the password segment of the associated URL.
public string Password { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the path segment of the associated URL.
public string Pathname { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the port segment of the associated URL.
public string Port { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the scheme segment of the associated URL.
public string Protocol { get; set; }
Property Value
Forward link type. See the rel attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Rel { get; set; }
Property Value
Returns a live DOMTokenList which contains tokens received from parsing the “rel” attribute.
public DOMTokenList RelList { get; }
Property Value
Reverse link type. See the rev attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Rev { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the search segment of the associated URL.
public string Search { get; set; }
Property Value
The shape of the active area. The coordinates are given by
. See the shape attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Shape { get; set; }
Property Value
Index that represents the element’s position in the tabbing order. See the tabindex attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public int TabIndex { get; set; }
Property Value
Frame to render the resource in. See the target attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Target { get; set; }
Property Value
Advisory content type. See the type attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Type { get; set; }
Property Value
Gets or sets a string representation of the username segment of the associated URL.
public string Username { get; set; }
Property Value
Removes keyboard focus from this element.
public void Blur()
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
public void Focus()