Class HTMLImageElement

Class HTMLImageElement

Namespace: Aspose.Html
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)

Embedded image. See the IMG element definition in HTML 4.01.

See also the Document object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification.

public class HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement, INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers




INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers

Inherited Members

HTMLElement.Id, HTMLElement.Title, HTMLElement.Lang, HTMLElement.Dir, HTMLElement.ClassName, HTMLElement.Style, HTMLElement.OnAbort, HTMLElement.OnBlur, HTMLElement.OnCancel, HTMLElement.OnCanplay, HTMLElement.OnCanPlayThrough, HTMLElement.OnChange, HTMLElement.OnClick, HTMLElement.OnCueChange, HTMLElement.OnDblClick, HTMLElement.OnDurationChange, HTMLElement.OnEmptied, HTMLElement.OnEnded, HTMLElement.OnError, HTMLElement.OnFocus, HTMLElement.OnInput, HTMLElement.OnInvalid, HTMLElement.OnKeyDown, HTMLElement.OnKeyPress, HTMLElement.OnKeyUp, HTMLElement.OnLoad, HTMLElement.OnLoadedData, HTMLElement.OnLoadedMetadata, HTMLElement.OnLoadStart, HTMLElement.OnMouseDown, HTMLElement.OnMouseEnter, HTMLElement.OnMouseLeave, HTMLElement.OnMouseMove, HTMLElement.OnMouseOut, HTMLElement.OnMouseOver, HTMLElement.OnMouseUp, HTMLElement.OnMouseWheel, HTMLElement.OnPause, HTMLElement.OnPlay, HTMLElement.OnPlaying, HTMLElement.OnProgress, HTMLElement.OnRateChange, HTMLElement.OnReset, HTMLElement.OnResize, HTMLElement.OnScroll, HTMLElement.OnSeeked, HTMLElement.OnSeeking, HTMLElement.OnSelect, HTMLElement.OnShow, HTMLElement.OnStalled, HTMLElement.OnSubmit, HTMLElement.OnSuspend, HTMLElement.OnTimeUpdate, HTMLElement.OnToggle, HTMLElement.OnVolumeChange, HTMLElement.OnWaiting, Element.GetAttributeNames(), Element.HasAttributes(), Element.GetAttribute(string), Element.GetAttributeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttribute(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNS(string, string, string), Element.RemoveAttribute(string), Element.RemoveAttributeNS(string, string), Element.HasAttribute(string), Element.HasAttributeNS(string, string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string, bool), Element.GetAttributeNode(string), Element.SetAttributeNode(Attr), Element.RemoveAttributeNode(Attr), Element.GetAttributeNodeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNodeNS(Attr), Element.GetElementsByTagName(string), Element.GetElementsByTagNameNS(string, string), Element.Remove(), Element.QuerySelectorAll(string), Element.QuerySelector(string), Element.AttachShadow(ShadowRootMode), Element.GetElementsByClassName(string), Element.Dispose(bool), Element.ClassList, Element.LocalName, Element.NamespaceURI, Element.Prefix, Element.NodeName, Element.NodeType, Element.TagName, Element.Id, Element.ClassName, Element.TextContent, Element.Attributes, Element.FirstElementChild, Element.LastElementChild, Element.PreviousElementSibling, Element.NextElementSibling, Element.ChildElementCount, Element.Children, Element.InnerHTML, Element.OuterHTML, Element.ShadowRoot, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, Node.ENTITY_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, Node.NOTATION_NODE, Node.HasChildNodes(), Node.Normalize(), Node.CloneNode(), Node.CloneNode(bool), Node.IsEqualNode(Node), Node.IsSameNode(Node), Node.LookupPrefix(string), Node.LookupNamespaceURI(string), Node.IsDefaultNamespace(string), Node.InsertBefore(Node, Node), Node.ReplaceChild(Node, Node), Node.RemoveChild(Node), Node.AppendChild(Node), Node.Dispose(bool), Node.ToString(), Node.NodeType, Node.LocalName, Node.NamespaceURI, Node.Prefix, Node.NodeName, Node.BaseURI, Node.OwnerDocument, Node.ParentNode, Node.ParentElement, Node.ChildNodes, Node.FirstChild, Node.LastChild, Node.PreviousSibling, Node.NextSibling, Node.NodeValue, Node.TextContent, EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.DispatchEvent(Event), EventTarget.Dispose(), EventTarget.Dispose(bool), DOMObject.GetPlatformType(), object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()



Aligns this object (vertically or horizontally) with respect to its surrounding text. See the align attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.

public string Align { get; set; }

Property Value



Alternate text for user agents not rendering the normal content of this element. See the alt attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

public string Alt { get; set; }

Property Value



Width of border around image. See the border attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01. Note that the type of this attribute was DOMString in DOM Level 1 HTML [DOM Level 1] .

public string Border { get; set; }

Property Value



Height of the image in pixels. See the height attribute definition in HTML 4.01. Note that the type of this attribute was DOMString in DOM Level 1 HTML [DOM Level 1]. @version DOM Level 2

public float Height { get; set; }

Property Value



Horizontal space to the left and right of this image in pixels. See the hspace attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01. Note that the type of this attribute was DOMString in DOM Level 1 HTML [DOM Level 1]. @version DOM Level 2

public int Hspace { get; set; }

Property Value



Use server-side image map. See the ismap attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

public bool IsMap { get; set; }

Property Value



URI [IETF RFC 2396] designating a long description of this image or frame. See the longdesc attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

public string LongDesc { get; set; }

Property Value



The name of the element (for backwards compatibility).

public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value



URI [IETF RFC 2396] designating the source of this image. See the src attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

public string Src { get; set; }

Property Value



Use client-side image map. See the usemap attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

public string UseMap { get; set; }

Property Value



Vertical space above and below this image in pixels. See the vspace attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01. Note that the type of this attribute was “DOMString” in DOM Level 1 HTML [DOM Level 1]. @version DOM Level 2

public int Vspace { get; set; }

Property Value



The width of the image in pixels. See the width attribute definition in HTML 4.01. Note that the type of this attribute was DOMString in DOM Level 1 HTML [DOM Level 1]. @version DOM Level 2

public float Width { get; set; }

Property Value




Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)


disposing bool

true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.