Class HTMLInputElement
Namespace: Aspose.Html
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)
Form control.Depending upon the environment in which the page is being viewed, the value property may be read-only for the file upload input type. For the “password” input type, the actual value returned may be masked to prevent unauthorized use. See the INPUT element definition in [HTML 4.01].
See also the Document object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification.
public class HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement, INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers
object ← DOMObject ← EventTarget ← Node ← Element ← HTMLElement ← HTMLInputElement
INotifyPropertyChanged, IEventTarget, IDisposable, IXPathNSResolver, IParentNode, IElementTraversal, IChildNode, IElementCSSInlineStyle, IGlobalEventHandlers
Inherited Members
HTMLElement.Id, HTMLElement.Title, HTMLElement.Lang, HTMLElement.Dir, HTMLElement.ClassName, HTMLElement.Style, HTMLElement.OnAbort, HTMLElement.OnBlur, HTMLElement.OnCancel, HTMLElement.OnCanplay, HTMLElement.OnCanPlayThrough, HTMLElement.OnChange, HTMLElement.OnClick, HTMLElement.OnCueChange, HTMLElement.OnDblClick, HTMLElement.OnDurationChange, HTMLElement.OnEmptied, HTMLElement.OnEnded, HTMLElement.OnError, HTMLElement.OnFocus, HTMLElement.OnInput, HTMLElement.OnInvalid, HTMLElement.OnKeyDown, HTMLElement.OnKeyPress, HTMLElement.OnKeyUp, HTMLElement.OnLoad, HTMLElement.OnLoadedData, HTMLElement.OnLoadedMetadata, HTMLElement.OnLoadStart, HTMLElement.OnMouseDown, HTMLElement.OnMouseEnter, HTMLElement.OnMouseLeave, HTMLElement.OnMouseMove, HTMLElement.OnMouseOut, HTMLElement.OnMouseOver, HTMLElement.OnMouseUp, HTMLElement.OnMouseWheel, HTMLElement.OnPause, HTMLElement.OnPlay, HTMLElement.OnPlaying, HTMLElement.OnProgress, HTMLElement.OnRateChange, HTMLElement.OnReset, HTMLElement.OnResize, HTMLElement.OnScroll, HTMLElement.OnSeeked, HTMLElement.OnSeeking, HTMLElement.OnSelect, HTMLElement.OnShow, HTMLElement.OnStalled, HTMLElement.OnSubmit, HTMLElement.OnSuspend, HTMLElement.OnTimeUpdate, HTMLElement.OnToggle, HTMLElement.OnVolumeChange, HTMLElement.OnWaiting, Element.GetAttributeNames(), Element.HasAttributes(), Element.GetAttribute(string), Element.GetAttributeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttribute(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNS(string, string, string), Element.RemoveAttribute(string), Element.RemoveAttributeNS(string, string), Element.HasAttribute(string), Element.HasAttributeNS(string, string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string), Element.ToggleAttribute(string, bool), Element.GetAttributeNode(string), Element.SetAttributeNode(Attr), Element.RemoveAttributeNode(Attr), Element.GetAttributeNodeNS(string, string), Element.SetAttributeNodeNS(Attr), Element.GetElementsByTagName(string), Element.GetElementsByTagNameNS(string, string), Element.Remove(), Element.QuerySelectorAll(string), Element.QuerySelector(string), Element.AttachShadow(ShadowRootMode), Element.GetElementsByClassName(string), Element.Dispose(bool), Element.ClassList, Element.LocalName, Element.NamespaceURI, Element.Prefix, Element.NodeName, Element.NodeType, Element.TagName, Element.Id, Element.ClassName, Element.TextContent, Element.Attributes, Element.FirstElementChild, Element.LastElementChild, Element.PreviousElementSibling, Element.NextElementSibling, Element.ChildElementCount, Element.Children, Element.InnerHTML, Element.OuterHTML, Element.ShadowRoot, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, Node.ENTITY_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, Node.NOTATION_NODE, Node.HasChildNodes(), Node.Normalize(), Node.CloneNode(), Node.CloneNode(bool), Node.IsEqualNode(Node), Node.IsSameNode(Node), Node.LookupPrefix(string), Node.LookupNamespaceURI(string), Node.IsDefaultNamespace(string), Node.InsertBefore(Node, Node), Node.ReplaceChild(Node, Node), Node.RemoveChild(Node), Node.AppendChild(Node), Node.Dispose(bool), Node.ToString(), Node.NodeType, Node.LocalName, Node.NamespaceURI, Node.Prefix, Node.NodeName, Node.BaseURI, Node.OwnerDocument, Node.ParentNode, Node.ParentElement, Node.ChildNodes, Node.FirstChild, Node.LastChild, Node.PreviousSibling, Node.NextSibling, Node.NodeValue, Node.TextContent, EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.AddEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, DOMEventHandler, bool), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener), EventTarget.RemoveEventListener(string, IEventListener, bool), EventTarget.DispatchEvent(Event), EventTarget.Dispose(), EventTarget.Dispose(bool), DOMObject.GetPlatformType(), object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
A comma-separated list of content types that a server processing this form will handle correctly. See the accept attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Accept { get; set; }
Property Value
A single character access key to give access to the form control. See the accesskey attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string AccessKey { get; set; }
Property Value
Aligns this object (vertically or horizontally) with respect to its surrounding text. See the align attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01.
public string Align { get; set; }
Property Value
Alternate text for user agents not rendering the normal content of this element. See the alt attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Alt { get; set; }
Property Value
When the type
attribute of the element has the value
“radio” or “checkbox”, this represents the current state of the form
control, in an interactive user agent. Changes to this attribute
change the state of the form control, but do not change the value of
the HTML checked attribute of the INPUT element.During the handling
of a click event on an input element with a type attribute that has
the value “radio” or “checkbox”, some implementations may change the
value of this property before the event is being dispatched in the
document. If the default action of the event is canceled, the value
of the property may be changed back to its original value. This means
that the value of this property during the handling of click events
is implementation dependent.
public bool Checked { get; set; }
Property Value
When type
has the value “radio” or “checkbox”, this
represents the HTML checked attribute of the element. The value of
this attribute does not change if the state of the corresponding form
control, in an interactive user agent, changes. See the checked
attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public bool DefaultChecked { get; set; }
Property Value
When the type
attribute of the element has the value
“text”, “file” or “password”, this represents the HTML value
attribute of the element. The value of this attribute does not change
if the contents of the corresponding form control, in an interactive
user agent, changes. See the value attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string DefaultValue { get; set; }
Property Value
The control is unavailable in this context. See the disabled attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
Property Value
The files IDL attribute allows scripts to access the element’s selected files. On getting, if the IDL attribute applies, it must return a FileList object that represents the current selected files. The same object must be returned until the list of selected files changes. If the IDL attribute does not apply, then it must instead return null. [FILEAPI]
public IFileList Files { get; }
Property Value
Returns the FORM
element containing this control. Returns
if this control is not within the context of a
public HTMLFormElement Form { get; set; }
Property Value
The list attribute is used to identify an element that lists predefined options suggested to the user. If present, its value must be the ID of a datalist element in the same document.
public string List { get; set; }
Property Value
Maximum number of characters for text fields, when type
has the value “text” or “password”. See the maxlength attribute
definition in HTML 4.01.
public int MaxLength { get; set; }
Property Value
Form control or object name when submitted with a form. See the name attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Name { get; set; }
Property Value
This control is read-only. Relevant only when type
has the
value “text” or “password”. See the readonly attribute definition in
HTML 4.01.
public bool ReadOnly { get; set; }
Property Value
Size information. The precise meaning is specific to each type of field. See the size attribute definition in HTML 4.01. @version DOM Level 2
public int Size { get; set; }
Property Value
When the type
attribute has the value “image”, this
attribute specifies the location of the image to be used to decorate
the graphical submit button. See the src attribute definition in HTML
public string Src { get; set; }
Property Value
Index that represents the element’s position in the tabbing order. See the tabindex attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public int TabIndex { get; set; }
Property Value
The type of control created (all lower case). See the type attribute definition in HTML 4.01. @version DOM Level 2
public string Type { get; set; }
Property Value
Use client-side image map. See the usemap attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string UseMap { get; set; }
Property Value
When the type
attribute of the element has the value
“text”, “file” or “password”, this represents the current contents of
the corresponding form control, in an interactive user agent.
Changing this attribute changes the contents of the form control, but
does not change the value of the HTML value attribute of the element.
When the type
attribute of the element has the value
“button”, “hidden”, “submit”, “reset”, “image”, “checkbox” or
“radio”, this represents the HTML value attribute of the element. See
the value attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
public string Value { get; set; }