Interface IBlob
Namespace: Aspose.Html.IO
Assembly: Aspose.HTML.dll (25.2.0)
A Blob object refers to a byte sequence, and has a size attribute which is the total number of bytes in the byte sequence, and a type attribute, which is an ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type of the byte sequence.
public interface IBlob
Returns the size of the byte sequence in number of bytes. On getting, conforming user agents must return the total number of bytes that can be read by a FileReader or FileReaderSync object, or 0 if the Blob has no bytes to be read.
ulong Size { get; }
Property Value
The ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type of the Blob. On getting, user agents must return the type of a Blob as an ASCII-encoded string in lower case, such that when it is converted to a byte sequence, it is a parsable MIME type, or the empty string – 0 bytes – if the type cannot be determined.
string Type { get; }
Property Value
Slice(ulong, ulong, string)
Returns a new Blob object with bytes ranging from the optional start parameter up to but not including the optional end parameter, and with a type attribute that is the value of the optional contentType parameter.
IBlob Slice(ulong start, ulong end, string contentType)
The parameter is a value for the start point of a slice
The parameter is a value for the start point of a slice
The parameter is a media type of the Blob
Returns a new Blob object with bytes ranging from the optional start parameter up to but not including the optional end parameter, and with a type attribute that is the value of the optional contentType parameter.