Namespace Aspose.Html.Rendering

Namespace Aspose.Html.Rendering


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
CssOptionsRepresents css rendering options.
DeviceRepresents a base class for implementing rendering devices that are used to draw graphics in various formats and environments.
Device<tgraphiccontext, trenderingoptions="">Represents base class for implementation particular rendering devices.
Device<tgraphiccontext, trenderingoptions="">.DeviceConfigurationRepresents configuration object for devices.
EpubRendererRepresents a EPub document renderer.
GraphicContextHolds current graphics control parameters. These parameters define the global framework within which the graphics operators execute.
HtmlRendererRepresents an HTML document renderer.
MhtmlRendererRepresents a MHTML document renderer.
PageSetupRepresents a page setup object is used for configuration output page-set.
RendererRepresents a base class for all renderers and implemnts IDisposable interface.
Renderer<tsource>The base abstract class for all renderers.
RenderingOptionsRepresents rendering options.
SvgRendererRepresents SVG document renderer.
TextInfoContains information about rendered text. </tsource></tgraphiccontext,></tgraphiccontext,>


Struct NameDescription
GlyphInfoContains glyph related information.


Interface NameDescription
IDeviceDefines methods and properties that support custom rendering of the graphic elements like paths, text and images.


Enum NameDescription
AtPagePrioritySpecifies possible orders of applying page size declarations.
FillRuleSpecifies the fill rule used in rendering SVG and HTML.
MediaTypeSpecifies possible media types used during rendering.
PageLayoutOptionsSpecifies flags that together with other PageSetup options determine sizes and layouts of pages. These flags can be combined together according to their descriptions.
Device<tgraphiccontext, trenderingoptions="">.PageWritingStrategySpecifies types of strategies for writing pages into output stream\streams.
StrokeLineCapSpecifies the line cap used in rendering SVG and HTML.
StrokeLineJoinSpecifies the line join style used in rendering SVG and HTML. </tgraphiccontext,>