Namespace Aspose.Html.Saving

Namespace Aspose.Html.Saving


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
DocSaveOptionsSpecific options data class.
HTMLSaveOptionsRepresents HTML save options.
ImageSaveOptionsSpecific options data class.
MHTMLSaveOptionsRepresents MHTML save options.
MarkdownSaveOptionsRepresents Markdown save options.
PdfSaveOptionsSpecific options data class.
ResourceThis class describes a resource and provides methods for processing it.
ResourceHandlingContextThis class contains information used when processing resources.
ResourceHandlingOptionsRepresents resource handling options.
SaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a document into a particular format.
TextSaveOptionsRepresents Text save options
XpsSaveOptionsSpecific options data class.


Enum NameDescription
HTMLSaveFormatSpecifies format in which document is saved.
MarkdownFeaturesA Aspose.Html.Saving.MarkdownFeatures flag set is a set of zero or more of the following flags, which are used to select elements converted to markdown.
MarkdownFormatterSpecifies the way output will be formatted.
ResourceHandlingThis enum represents resource handling options.
ResourceStatusIndicates the resource status.
UrlRestrictionThis enum represents restriction applied to URLs of processed resources.