Enum ExifLightSource

Enum ExifLightSource

Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.Exif.Enums
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)

The exif light source.

public enum ExifLightSource


Cloudyweather = 10

The cloudyweather.

CoolWhiteFluorescent = 14

The cool white fluorescent.

D50 = 23

The d50 value(5000K).

D55 = 20

The d55 value(5500K).

D65 = 21

The d65 value(6500K).

D75 = 22

The d75 value(7500K).

DayWhiteFluorescent = 13

The day white fluorescent.

Daylight = 1

The daylight.

DaylightFluorescent = 12

The daylight fluorescent.

Fineweather = 9

The fineweather.

Flash = 4

The flash.

Fluorescent = 2

The fluorescent.

ISOstudiotungsten = 24

The iso studio tungsten lightsource.

Otherlightsource = 255

The otherlightsource.

Shade = 11

The shade.

StandardlightA = 17

The standardlight a.

StandardlightB = 18

The standardlight b.

StandardlightC = 19

The standardlight c.

Tungsten = 3

The tungsten.

Unknown = 0

The unknown.

WhiteFluorescent = 15

The white fluorescent.