Enum ExifProperties
Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.Exif
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)
Exif tags list
public enum ExifProperties : ushort
ApertureValue = 37378
The lens aperture value.
Artist = 315
This tag records the name of the camera owner, photographer or image creator. The detailed format is not specified, but it is recommended that the information be written as in the example below for ease of Interoperability. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown. Ex.) “Camera owner, John Smith; Photographer, Michael Brown; Image creator, Ken James”
BitsPerSample = 258
The number of bits per image component. In this standard each component of the image is 8 bits, so the value for this tag is 8.
BodySerialNumber = 42033
Contains camera body serial number
BrightnessValue = 37379
The brightness value.
CFAPattern = 41730
Indicates the color filter array (CFA) geometric pattern of the image sensor when a one-chip color area sensor is used. It does not apply to all sensing methods.
CameraOwnerName = 42032
Contains camera owner name
ColorSpace = 40961
The color space information tag (ColorSpace) is always recorded as the color space specifier.
ComponentsConfiguration = 37121
The components configuration.
CompressedBitsPerPixel = 37122
Specific to compressed data; states the compressed bits per pixel.
Compression = 259
The compression scheme used for the image data. When a primary image is JPEG compressed, this designation is not necessary and is omitted.
Contrast = 41992
This tag indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.
Copyright = 33432
Copyright information. In this standard the tag is used to indicate both the photographer and editor copyrights. It is the copyright notice of the person or organization claiming rights to the image. The Interoperability copyright statement including date and rights should be written in this field; e.g., “Copyright, John Smith, 19xx. All rights reserved.”. In this standard the field records both the photographer and editor copyrights, with each recorded in a separate part of the statement. When there is a clear distinction between the photographer and editor copyrights, these are to be written in the order of photographer followed by editor copyright, separated by NULL (in this case since the statement also ends with a NULL, there are two NULL codes). When only the photographer copyright is given, it is terminated by one NULL code . When only the editor copyright is given, the photographer copyright part consists of one space followed by a terminating NULL code, then the editor copyright is given. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.
CustomRendered = 41985
This tag indicates the use of special processing on image data, such as rendering geared to output. When special processing is performed, the reader is expected to disable or minimize any further processing.
DateTime = 306
The date and time of image creation. In Exif standard, it is the date and time the file was changed.
DateTimeDigitized = 36868
The date time digitized.
DateTimeOriginal = 36867
The date and time when the original image data was generated.
DeviceSettingDescription = 41995
This tag indicates information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular camera model. The tag is used only to indicate the picture-taking conditions in the reader.
DigitalZoomRatio = 41988
This tag indicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot. If the numerator of the recorded value is 0, this indicates that digital zoom was not used.
ExifIfdPointer = 34665
A pointer to the Exif IFD. Interoperability, Exif IFD has the same structure as that of the IFD specified in TIFF. ordinarily, however, it does not contain image data as in the case of TIFF.
ExifVersion = 36864
The exif version.
ExposureBiasValue = 37380
The exposure bias value.
ExposureIndex = 41493
Indicates the exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the image is captured.
ExposureMode = 41986
This tag indicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot. In auto-bracketing mode, the camera shoots a series of frames of the same scene at different exposure settings.
ExposureProgram = 34850
The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken.
ExposureTime = 33434
Exposure time, given in seconds.
FNumber = 33437
The F number.
FileSource = 41728
The file source.
Flash = 37385
Indicates the status of flash when the image was shot.
FlashEnergy = 41483
Indicates the strobe energy at the time the image is captured, as measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds(BCPS).
FlashpixVersion = 40960
The Flashpix format version supported by a FPXR file.
FocalLength = 37386
The actual focal length of the lens, in mm.
FocalLengthIn35MmFilm = 41989
This tag indicates the equivalent focal length assuming a 35mm film camera, in mm. A value of 0 means the focal length is unknown. Note that this tag differs from the FocalLength tag.
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit = 41488
Indicates the unit for measuring FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution. This value is the same as the ResolutionUnit.
FocalPlaneXResolution = 41486
Indicates the number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane.
FocalPlaneYResolution = 41487
Indicates the number of pixels in the image height (Y) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane.
GPSAltitude = 6
Indicates the altitude based on the reference in GPSAltitudeRef. Altitude is expressed as one RATIONAL value. The reference unit is meters.
GPSAltitudeRef = 5
Indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude. If the reference is sea level and the altitude is above sea level, 0 is given. If the altitude is below sea level, a value of 1 is given and the altitude is indicated as an absolute value in the GPSAltitude tag.
GPSAreaInformation = 28
A character string recording the name of the GPS area. The first byte indicates the character code used, and this is followed by the name of the GPS area.
Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). An HDOP value is written during two-dimensional measurement, and PDOP during three-dimensional measurement.
GPSDateStamp = 29
A character string recording date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The format is YYYY:MM:DD.
GPSDestBearing = 24
Indicates the bearing to the destination point. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.
GPSDestBearingRef = 23
Indicates the reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point. ‘T’ denotes true direction and ‘M’ is magnetic direction.
GPSDestDistance = 26
Indicates the distance to the destination point.
GPSDestDistanceRef = 25
Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination point. ‘K’, ‘M’ and ‘N’ represent kilometers, miles and knots.
GPSDestLatitude = 20
Indicates the latitude of the destination point. The latitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If latitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be dd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.
GPSDestLatitudeRef = 19
Indicates whether the latitude of the destination point is north or south latitude. The ASCII value ‘N’ indicates north latitude, and ‘S’ is south latitude.
GPSDestLongitude = 22
Indicates the longitude of the destination point. The longitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If longitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be ddd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be ddd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.
GPSDestLongitudeRef = 21
Indicates whether the longitude of the destination point is east or west longitude. ASCII ‘E’ indicates east longitude, and ‘W’ is west longitude.
GPSDifferential = 30
Indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS receiver.
GPSIfdPointer = 34853
The gps ifd pointer.
GPSImgDirection = 17
Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.
GPSImgDirectionRef = 16
Indicates the reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured. ‘T’ denotes true direction and ‘M’ is magnetic direction.
GPSLatitude = 2
Indicates the latitude. The latitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If latitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be dd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.
GPSLatitudeRef = 1
Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude.
GPSLongitude = 4
Indicates the longitude. The longitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If longitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be ddd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be ddd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.
GPSLongitudeRef = 3
Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude.
GPSMapDatum = 18
Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver.
GPSMeasureMode = 10
Indicates the GPS measurement mode. - 2- or 3- dimensional.
GPSProcessingMethod = 27
A character string recording the name of the method used for location finding. The first byte indicates the character code used, and this is followed by the name of the method.
GPSSatellites = 8
Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites, their ID number, angle of elevation, azimuth, SNR and other information in ASCII notation. The format is not specified. If the GPS receiver is incapable of taking measurements, value of the tag shall be set to NULL.
GPSSpeed = 13
Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement.
GPSSpeedRef = 12
Indicates the unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement. ‘K’ ‘M’ and ‘N’ represents kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and knots.
GPSStatus = 9
Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded.
GPSTimestamp = 7
Indicates the time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). TimeStamp is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the hour, minute, and second.
GPSTrack = 15
Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.
GPSTrackRef = 14
Indicates the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. ‘T’ denotes true direction and ‘M’ is magnetic direction.
GPSVersionID = 0
Indicates the version of GPSInfoIFD.
GainControl = 41991
This tag indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment.
Gamma = 42240
Gamma value
ISOSpeed = 34867
Information about iso speed value as defined in ISO 12232
ISOSpeedLatitudeYYY = 34868
This tag indicates ISO speed latitude yyy value as defined in ISO 12232
ISOSpeedLatitudeZZZ = 34869
This tag indicates ISO speed latitude zzz value as defined in ISO 12232
ImageDescription = 270
A character string giving the title of the image. It may be a comment such as “1988 company picnic” or the like.
ImageLength = 257
The number of rows of image data.
ImageUniqueID = 42016
The image unique id.
ImageWidth = 256
The number of columns of image data, equal to the number of pixels per row.
JPEGInterchangeFormat = 513
The offset to the start byte (SOI) of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for primary image JPEG data.
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength = 514
The number of bytes of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for primary image JPEG data. JPEG thumbnails are not divided but are recorded as a continuous JPEG bitstream from SOI to EOI. Appn and COM markers should not be recorded. Compressed thumbnails must be recorded in no more than 64 Kbytes, including all other data to be recorded in APP1.
LensMake = 42035
This tag records lens manufacturer
LensModel = 42036
This tag records lens`s model name and model number
LensSerialNumber = 42037
This tag records the serial number of interchangable lens
LensSpecification = 42034
This tag notes minimum focal length, maximum focal length, minimum F number in the minimum focal length and minimum F number in maximum focal length
LightSource = 37384
The kind light source.
Make = 271
The manufacturer of the recording equipment. This is the manufacturer of the DSC, scanner, video digitizer or other equipment that generated the image. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.
MakerNote = 37500
A tag for manufacturers of Exif writers to record any desired information. The contents are up to the manufacturer, but this tag should not be used for any other than its intended purpose.
MaxApertureValue = 37381
The max aperture value.
MeteringMode = 37383
The metering mode.
Model = 272
The model name or model number of the equipment. This is the model name or number of the DSC, scanner, video digitizer or other equipment that generated the image. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.
OECF = 34856
Indicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524.
Orientation = 274
The image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns.
PhotographicSensitivity = 34855
Indicates the ISO Speed and ISO Latitude of the camera or input device as specified in ISO 12232.
PhotometricInterpretation = 262
The pixel composition.
PixelXDimension = 40962
Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the valid width of the meaningful image shall be recorded in this tag, whether or not there is padding data or a restart marker.
PixelYDimension = 40963
Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the valid height of the meaningful image shall be recorded in this tag
PlanarConfiguration = 284
Indicates whether pixel components are recorded in a chunky or planar format. If this field does not exist, the TIFF default of 1 (chunky) is assumed.
PrimaryChromaticities = 319
The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since colorspace is specified in the colorspace information ColorSpace tag.
RecommendedExposureIndex = 34866
Indicates recommended exposure index
ReferenceBlackWhite = 532
The reference black point value and reference white point value. No defaults are given in TIFF, but the values below are given as defaults here. The color space is declared in a color space information tag, with the default being the value that gives the optimal image characteristics Interoperability these conditions
RelatedSoundFile = 40964
The related sound file.
ResolutionUnit = 296
The unit for measuring XResolution and YResolution. The same unit is used for both XResolution and YResolution. If the image resolution is unknown, 2 (inches) is designated.
RowsPerStrip = 278
The number of rows per strip. This is the number of rows in the image of one strip when an image is divided into strips.
SamplesPerPixel = 277
The number of components per pixel. Since this standard applies to RGB and YCbCr images, the value set for this tag is 3.
Saturation = 41993
This tag indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.
SceneCaptureType = 41990
This tag indicates the type of scene that was shot. It can also be used to record the mode in which the image was shot.
SceneType = 41729
Indicates the type of scene. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value shall always be set to 1, indicating that the image was directly photographed.
SensingMethod = 41495
Indicates the image sensor type on the camera or input device.
SensitivityType = 34864
Type of photographic sensitivity
Sharpness = 41994
This tag indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot
ShutterSpeedValue = 37377
The shutter speed value.
Software = 305
This tag records the name and version of the software or firmware of the camera or image input device used to generate the image. The detailed format is not specified, but it is recommended that the example shown below be followed. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.
SpatialFrequencyResponse = 41484
This tag records the camera or input device spatial frequency table and SFR values in the direction of image width, image height, and diagonal direction, as specified in ISO 12233.
SpectralSensitivity = 34852
Indicates the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used.
StandardOutputSensitivity = 34865
Indicates standard output sensitivity of camera
StripByteCounts = 279
The total number of bytes in each strip.
StripOffsets = 273
For each strip, the byte offset of that strip. It is recommended that this be selected so the number of strip bytes does not exceed 64 Kbytes. Aux tag.
SubjectArea = 37396
This tag indicates the location and area of the main subject in the overall scene.
SubjectDistance = 37382
The distance to the subject, given in meters.
SubjectDistanceRange = 41996
This tag indicates the distance to the subject.
SubjectLocation = 41492
Indicates the location of the main subject in the scene. The value of this tag represents the pixel at the center of the main subject relative to the left edge, prior to rotation processing as per the Rotation tag.
SubsecTime = 37520
A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTime tag.
SubsecTimeDigitized = 37522
A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTimeDigitized tag.
SubsecTimeOriginal = 37521
A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the DateTimeOriginal tag.
TransferFunction = 301
A transfer function for the image, described in tabular style. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the color space information ColorSpace tag.
UserComment = 37510
A tag for Exif users to write keywords or comments on the image besides those in ImageDescription, and without the character code limitations of the ImageDescription tag.
WhiteBalance = 41987
This tag indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot.
WhitePoint = 318
The chromaticity of the white point of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the colorspace information ColorSpace tag.
XResolution = 282
The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction. When the image resolution is unknown, 72 [dpi] is designated.
YCbCrCoefficients = 529
The matrix coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr image data.
YCbCrPositioning = 531
The position of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component. This field is designated only for JPEG compressed data or uncompressed YCbCr data. The TIFF default is 1 (centered); but when Y:Cb:Cr = 4:2:2 it is recommended in this standard that 2 (co-sited) be used to record data, in order to improve the image quality when viewed on TV systems. When this field does not exist, the reader shall assume the TIFF default. In the case of Y:Cb:Cr = 4:2:0, the TIFF default (centered) is recommended. If the reader does not have the capability of supporting both kinds of YCbCrPositioning, it shall follow the TIFF default regardless of the value in this field. It is preferable that readers " be able to support both centered and co-sited positioning.
YCbCrSubSampling = 530
The sampling ratio of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component.
YResolution = 283
The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direction. The same value as XResolution is designated.