Enum CmxCommandCodes
Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Enums
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)
Page command codes
public enum CmxCommandCodes : short
AddClippingRegion = 88
The add clipping region command
AddGlobalTransform = 94
The add global transform command
BeginEmbedded = 22
The begin embedded file command
BeginGroup = 13
The begin group command
BeginLayer = 11
The begin layer command
BeginPage = 9
The begin page command
BeginParagraph = 99
The begin paragraph command
BeginProcedure = 17
The begin procedure command
BeginTextGroup = 72
The begin text group command
BeginTextObject = 70
The begin text object command
BeginTextStream = 20
The begin text stream command
CharInfo = 101
The character information command
Characters = 102
The characters command
ClearClipping = 90
The clear clipping command
Comment = 2
The comment command
DrawChars = 65
The draw chars command
DrawImage = 69
The draw image command
Ellipse = 66
The ellipse command
EndEmbedded = 23
The end embedded file command
EndGroup = 14
The end group command
EndLayer = 12
The end layer command
EndPage = 10
The end page command
EndParagraph = 100
The end paragraph command
EndSection = 18
The end section command
EndTextGroup = 73
The end text group command
EndTextObject = 71
The end text object command
EndTextStream = 21
The end text stream command
JumpAbsolute = 111
The jump to absolute position command
PolyCurve = 67
The poly curve command
PopMappingMode = 92
The pop mapping mode command
PopTint = 104
The pop tint command
PushMappingMode = 91
The push mapping mode command
PushTint = 103
The push tint command
Rectangle = 68
The rectangle command
RemoveLastClippingRegion = 89
The remove last clipping region command
RestoreLastGlobalTransfo = 95
The restore last global transformation command
SetCharStyle = 85
The set character style command
SetGlobalTransfo = 93
The set global transformation command
SimpleWideText = 86
The simple wide text command
TextFrame = 98
The text frame command