Enum VectorPathType
Enum VectorPathType
Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Core.VectorPaths
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)
Vector Path Type according to PSD Format Specification
public enum VectorPathType : short
ClipboardRecord = 7
The clipboard record
ClosedSubpathBezierKnotLinked = 1
The closed subpath bezier knot linked
ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked = 2
The closed subpath bezier knot unlinked
ClosedSubpathLengthRecord = 0
The closed subpath length record
InitialFillRuleRecord = 8
The initial fill rule record
OpenSubpathBezierKnotLinked = 4
The open subpath bezier knot linked
OpenSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked = 5
The open subpath bezier knot unlinked
OpenSubpathLengthRecord = 3
The open subpath length record
PathFillRuleRecord = 6
The path fill rule record