Namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf

Namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
EmfImageThe API for Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) vector image format support is a comprehensive tool for processing graphical images in a device-independent manner while preserving their original properties. Developed to maintain proportions, dimensions, colors, and other graphic attributes, it includes EMF Plus format support and features for cropping regions, resizing canvas and images, rotating, flipping, setting image palettes, exporting and importing to APS device context, compressing and converting EMF to other formats, ensuring versatile manipulation and seamless integration of EMF images across applications.
MetaImageBase class for Meta object classes
MetaObjectBase class for EMF, WMF, EMF+ objects
MetaObjectListThe list of meta objects for EMF, EMF+ and WMF classes


Enum NameDescription
EmfRenderModeThe emf render mode