Enum EmfPlusRecordType

Enum EmfPlusRecordType

Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfPlus.Consts
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)

The RecordType enumeration defines record types used in EMF+ metafiles.

public enum EmfPlusRecordType : short


EmfPlusBeginContainer = 16423

This record opens a new graphics state container and specifies a transform for it. Graphics containers are used to retain elements of the graphics state.

EmfPlusBeginContainerNoParams = 16424

This record opens a new graphics state container.

EmfPlusClear = 16393

This record clears the output coordinate space and initializes it with a specified background color and transparency.

EmfPlusComment = 16387

This record specifies arbitrary private data.

EmfPlusDrawArc = 16402

The record defines pen strokes for drawing an arc of an ellipse.

EmfPlusDrawBeziers = 16409

This record defines the pen strokes for drawing a Bezier spline.

EmfPlusDrawClosedCurve = 16407

This record defines the pen and strokes for drawing a closed cardinal spline.

EmfPlusDrawCurve = 16408

This record defines the pen strokes for drawing a cardinal spline.

EmfPlusDrawDriverString = 16438

This record specifies text output with character positions.

EmfPlusDrawEllipse = 16399

This record defines the pen strokes for drawing an ellipse.

EmfPlusDrawImage = 16410

This record defines a scaled Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfPlus.Objects.EmfPlusImage object (section An image can consist of either bitmap or metafile data.

EmfPlusDrawImagePoints = 16411

This record defines a scaled EmfPlusImage object inside a parallelogram. An image can consist of either bitmap or metafile data.

EmfPlusDrawLines = 16397

This record defines the pen strokes for drawing a series of connected lines.

EmfPlusDrawPath = 16405

The record defines the pen strokes to draw the figures in a graphics path. A path is an object that defines an arbitrary sequence of lines, curves, and shapes.

EmfPlusDrawPie = 16401

This record defines pen strokes for drawing a section of an ellipse.

EmfPlusDrawRects = 16395

This record defines the pen strokes for drawing a series of rectangles.

EmfPlusDrawString = 16412

This record defines a text string based on a font, a layout rectangle, and a format.

EmfPlusEndContainer = 16425

This record closes a graphics state container that was previously opened by a begin container operation.

EmfPlusEndOfFile = 16386

This record specifies the end of EMF+ data in the metafile.

EmfPlusFillClosedCurve = 16406

This record defines how to fill the interior of a closed cardinal spline using a specified brush.

EmfPlusFillEllipse = 16398

This record defines how to fill the interiors of an ellipse, using a specified brush.

EmfPlusFillPath = 16404

The record defines how to fill the interiors of the figures defined in a graphics path with a specified brush. A path is an object that defines an arbitrary sequence of lines, curves, and shapes.

EmfPlusFillPie = 16400

This record defines how to fill a section of an interior section of an ellipse using a specified brush.

EmfPlusFillPolygon = 16396

This record defines the data to fill the interior of a polygon, using a specified brush.

EmfPlusFillRects = 16394

This record defines how to fill the interiors of a series of rectangles, using a specified brush.

EmfPlusFillRegion = 16403

This record defines how to fill the interior of a region using a specified brush.

EmfPlusGetDC = 16388

This record specifies that subsequent EMF records encountered in the metafile SHOULD be processed. EMF records cease being processed when the next EMF+ record is encountered.

EmfPlusHeader = 16385

This record specifies the start of EMF+ data in the metafile. It MUST be embedded in the first EMF record after the Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records.EmfMetafileHeader record ([MS-EMF] section record).

EmfPlusMultiFormatEnd = 16391

This record is reserved and MUST NOT be used.

EmfPlusMultiFormatSection = 16390

This record is reserved and MUST NOT be used.

EmfPlusMultiFormatStart = 16389

This record is reserved and MUST NOT be used.

EmfPlusMultiplyWorldTransform = 16428

This record multiplies the current world space by a specified transform matrix.

EmfPlusObject = 16392

This record specifies an object for use in graphics operations.

EmfPlusOffsetClip = 16437

This record applies a translation transform on the current clipping region of the world space.

EmfPlusResetClip = 16433

This record resets the current clipping region for the world space to infinity.

EmfPlusResetWorldTransform = 16427

This record resets the current world space transform to the identify matrix.

EmfPlusRestore = 16422

This record restores the graphics state, identified by a specified index, from a stack of saved graphics states. Each stack index is associated with a particular saved state, and the index is defined by an Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfPlus.Records.EmfPlusSave record (section to save the state.

EmfPlusRotateWorldTransform = 16431

This record rotates the current world space by a specified angle.

EmfPlusSave = 16421

This record saves the graphics state, identified by a specified index, on a stack of saved graphics states. Each stack index is associated with a particular saved state, and the index is used by an Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfPlus.Records.EmfPlusRestore record (section to restore the state.

EmfPlusScaleWorldTransform = 16430

This record applies a scaling transform to the current world space by specified horizontal and vertical scale factors.

EmfPlusSerializableObject = 16440

This record defines an image effects parameter block that has been serialized into a data buffer.

EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode = 16414

This record defines whether to enable or disable text anti-aliasing. Text anti-aliasing is a method of making lines and edges of character glyphs appear smoother when drawn on an output surface.

EmfPlusSetClipPath = 16435

This record combines the current clipping region with a graphics path.

EmfPlusSetClipRect = 16434

This record combines the current clipping region with a rectangle.

EmfPlusSetClipRegion = 16436

This record combines the current clipping region with another graphics region.

EmfPlusSetCompositingMode = 16419

This record defines the compositing mode according to the state of alpha blending, which specifies how source colors are combined with background colors.

EmfPlusSetCompositingQuality = 16420

This record defines the compositing quality, which describes the desired level of quality for creating composite images from multiple objects.

EmfPlusSetInterpolationMode = 16417

This record defines the interpolation mode of an object according to the specified type of image filtering. The interpolation mode influences how scaling (stretching and shrinking) is performed.

EmfPlusSetPageTransform = 16432

This record specifies extra scaling factors for the current world space transform.

EmfPlusSetPixelOffsetMode = 16418

This record defines the pixel offset mode according to the specified pixel centering value.

EmfPlusSetRenderingOrigin = 16413

This record defines the origin of rendering to the specified horizontal and vertical coordinates. This applies to hatch brushes and to 8 and 16 bits per pixel dither patterns.

EmfPlusSetTSClip = 16442

This record specifies clipping areas in the graphics device context for a terminal server.

EmfPlusSetTSGraphics = 16441

This record specifies the state of a graphics device context for a terminal server.

EmfPlusSetTextContrast = 16416

This record sets text contrast according to the specified text gamma value.

EmfPlusSetTextRenderingHint = 16415

This record defines the process used for rendering text.

EmfPlusSetWorldTransform = 16426

This record defines the current world space transform in the playback device_context, according to a specified transform matrix.

EmfPlusStrokeFillPath = 16439

This record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.

EmfPlusTranslateWorldTransform = 16429

This record applies a translation transform to the current world space by specified horizontal and vertical distances.