EmfPlusBaseBitmapData | Base class for bitmap data types. |
EmfPlusBaseBrushData | Base class for Brush data types. |
EmfPlusBaseImageData | Base class for image data types. |
EmfPlusBasePointType | The base point type. |
EmfPlusBitmap | The EmfPlusBitmap object specifies a bitmap that contains a graphics image. |
EmfPlusBitmapData | The EmfPlusBitmapData object specifies a bitmap image with pixel data. |
EmfPlusBlendBase | Base object for blend objects |
EmfPlusBlendColors | The EmfPlusBlendColors object specifies positions and colors for the blend pattern of a gradient brush. |
EmfPlusBlendFactors | The EmfPlusBlendFactors object specifies positions and factors for the blend pattern of a gradient brush. |
EmfPlusBlurEffect | The BlurEffect object specifies a decrease in the difference in intensity between pixels in an image. |
EmfPlusBoundaryBase | Base class for boundary objects |
EmfPlusBoundaryPathData | The EmfPlusBoundaryPathData object specifies a graphics path boundary for a gradient brush. |
EmfPlusBoundaryPointData | The EmfPlusBoundaryPointData object specifies a closed cardinal spline boundary for a gradient brush |
EmfPlusBrightnessContrastEffect | The BrightnessContrastEffect object specifies an expansion or contraction of the lightest and darkest areas of an image. |
EmfPlusBrush | The EmfPlusBrush object specifies a graphics brush for filling regions. |
EmfPlusCharacterRange | EmfPlusCharacterRange description |
EmfPlusColorBalanceEffect | The ColorBalanceEffect object specifies adjustments to the relative amounts of red, green, and blue in an image. |
EmfPlusColorCurveEffect | The ColorCurveEffect object specifies one of eight adjustments to the color curve of an image. |
EmfPlusColorLookupTableEffect | The ColorLookupTableEffect object specifies adjustments to the colors in an image. |
EmfPlusColorMatrixEffect | The ColorMatrixEffect object specifies an affine transform to be applied to an image. |
EmfPlusCompoundLineData | The EmfPlusCompoundLineData object specifies line and space data for a compound line. |
EmfPlusCompressedImage | The EmfPlusCompressedImage object specifies an image with compressed data. |
EmfPlusCustomBaseLineCap | Base class for custom line cap types. |
EmfPlusCustomEndCapData | The EmfPlusCustomEndCapData object specifies a custom line cap for the end of a line. |
EmfPlusCustomLineCap | The EmfPlusCustomLineCap object specifies the shape to use at the ends of a line drawn by a graphics pen. |
EmfPlusCustomLineCapArrowData | The EmfPlusCustomLineCapArrowData object specifies adjustable arrow data for a custom line cap. |
EmfPlusCustomLineCapData | The EmfPlusCustomLineCapData object specifies default data for a custom line cap. |
EmfPlusCustomLineCapOptionalData | The EmfPlusCustomLineCapOptionalData object specifies optional fill and outline data for a custom line cap. |
EmfPlusCustomStartCapData | The EmfPlusCustomStartCapData object specifies a custom line cap for the start of a line. |
EmfPlusDashedLineData | The EmfPlusDashedLineData object specifies properties of a dashed line for a graphics pen. |
EmfPlusFillPath | The EmfPlusFillPath object specifies a graphics path for filling a custom line cap |
EmfPlusFocusScaleData | The EmfPlusFocusScaleData object specifies focus scales for the blend pattern of a path gradient brush. |
EmfPlusFont | The EmfPlusFont object specifies properties that determine the appearance of text, including typeface, size, and style. |
EmfPlusGraphicsObjectType | The Graphics Objects specify parameters for graphics output. They are part of the playback device context and are persistent during the playback of an EMF+ metafile. |
EmfPlusGraphicsVersion | The EmfPlusGraphicsVersion object specifies the version of operating system graphics that is used to create an EMF+ metafile. |
EmfPlusHatchBrushData | The EmfPlusHatchBrushData object specifies a hatch pattern for a graphics brush. |
EmfPlusHueSaturationLightnessEffect | The HueSaturationLightnessEffect object specifies adjustments to the hue, saturation, and lightness of an image. |
EmfPlusImage | The EmfPlusImage object specifies a graphics image in the form of a bitmap or metafile. |
EmfPlusImageAttributes | The EmfPlusImageAttributes object specifies how bitmap image colors are manipulated during rendering. |
EmfPlusImageEffectsObjectType | The Image Effects Objects specify parameters for graphics image effects, which can be applied to bitmap images |
EmfPlusLanguageIdentifier | The EmfPlusLanguageIdentifier object specifies a language identifier that corresponds to the natural language in a locale, including countries, geographical regions, and administrative districts. Each language identifier is an encoding of a primary language value and sublanguage value. |
EmfPlusLevelsEffect | The LevelsEffect object specifies adjustments to the highlights, midtones, and shadows of an image. |
EmfPlusLinePath | The EmfPlusLinePath object specifies a graphics path for outlining a custom line cap. |
EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushData | The EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushData object specifies a linear gradient for a graphics brush. |
EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushOptionalData | The EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushOptionalData object specifies optional data for a linear gradient brush. |
EmfPlusMetafile | The EmfPlusMetafileData object specifies a metafile that contains a graphics image |
EmfPlusObject | Base Emf+ object type. |
EmfPlusPalette | The EmfPlusPalette object specifies the colors that make up a palette. |
EmfPlusPath | The EmfPlusPath object specifies a series of line and curve segments that form a graphics path. The order for Bezier data points is the start point, control point 1, control point 2, and end point.For more information see[MSDN - DrawBeziers]. |
EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData | The EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData object specifies a path gradient for a graphics brush. |
EmfPlusPathGradientBrushOptionalData | The EmfPlusPathGradientBrushOptionalData object specifies optional data for a path gradient brush. |
EmfPlusPathPointType | The EmfPlusPathPointType object specifies a type value associated with a point on a graphics |
EmfPlusPathPointTypeRle | The EmfPlusPathPointTypeRle object specifies type values associated with points on a graphics path using RLE compression. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 0 1 B |
EmfPlusPen | The EmfPlusPen object specifies a graphics pen for the drawing of lines. |
EmfPlusPenData | The EmfPlusPenData object specifies properties of a graphics pen. |
EmfPlusPenOptionalData | The EmfPlusPenOptionalData object specifies optional data for a graphics pen |
EmfPlusRectF | The EmfPlusRectF object specifies a rectangle’s origin, height, and width as 32-bit floating-point values. |
EmfPlusRedEyeCorrectionEffect | The RedEyeCorrectionEffect object specifies areas of an image to which a red-eye correction is applied. |
EmfPlusRegion | The EmfPlusRegion object specifies line and curve segments that define a non rectilinear shape |
EmfPlusRegionNode | The EmfPlusRegionNode object specifies nodes of a graphics region. |
EmfPlusRegionNodeChildNodes | The EmfPlusRegionNodeChildNodes object specifies child nodes of a graphics region node |
EmfPlusRegionNodePath | The EmfPlusRegionNodePath object specifies a graphics path for drawing the boundary of a region node. |
EmfPlusSharpenEffect | The SharpenEffect object specifies an increase in the difference in intensity between pixels in an image. |
EmfPlusSolidBrushData | The EmfPlusSolidBrushData object specifies a solid color for a graphics brush. |
EmfPlusStringFormat | The EmfPlusStringFormat object specifies text layout, display manipulations, and language identification |
EmfPlusStringFormatData | The EmfPlusStringFormatData object specifies tab stops and character positions for a graphics string. |
EmfPlusStructureObjectType | The Structure Objects specify containers for data structures that are embedded in EMF+ metafile records.Structure objects, unlike graphics objects, are not explicitly created; they are components that make up more complex structures |
EmfPlusTextureBrushData | The EmfPlusTextureBrushData object specifies a texture image for a graphics brush. |
EmfPlusTextureBrushOptionalData | he EmfPlusTextureBrushOptionalData object specifies optional data for a texture brush. |
EmfPlusTintEffect | The TintEffect object specifies an addition of black or white to a specified hue in an image. |