Enum OdGradientStyle
Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.OpenDocument.Enums
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)
The gradient style
public enum OdGradientStyle
Axial = 0
The axial defines a bi-linear gradient that is also known as reflected gradient or mirrored linear gradient. It is created as a linear gradient that is mirrored (or reflected) along its axis.
Ellipsoid = 1
The ellipsoid defines a gradient where the colors are blend along the radius from the center of an ellipsoid as defined with the draw:cx and draw:cy attributes. The length of the semi major-axis is the width of the filled area and the length of the semi-minor
Linear = 2
The linear defines a gradient where the colors blend along the linear axis of the gradient. The axis of the gradient is specified with the draw:angle attribute clockwise to the vertical axis.
None = 6
The gradient style is none
Radial = 3
The radial defines a gradient where the colors are blend along the radius from the center of a circle as defined with the draw:cx and draw:cy attributes. The outside of the circle is filled with the end color.
Rectangle = 4
The rectangle defines a gradient that produces a rectangular blend from the center of the rectangle to the shortest of the 4 borders. The center of the rectangle is defined with the attributes draw:cx and draw:cy. The width of the rectangle is the width of the filled area, the height of the rectangle is the height of the filled area. The outside of the square is filled with the end color.
Square = 5
The square defines a gradient that produces a square blend, imitating the visual perspective in a corridor or the aerial view of a pyramid. Also known as “box gradient” and “pyramidal gradient”. The center of the square is defined with the draw:cx and draw:cy attributes. The width and height of the square is the minimum value of either the width or the height of the filled area. The outside of the square is filled with the end color.