Enum WmfMetafileEscapes

Enum WmfMetafileEscapes

Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.Consts
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)

The MetafileEscapes Enumeration specifies printer driver functionality that might not be directly accessible through WMF records defined in the RecordType Enumeration (section

public enum WmfMetafileEscapes


Abortdoc = 2

Stops processing the current document.

Bandinfo = 24

Retrieves or specifies settings concerning banding on a device, such as the number of bands.

BeginPath = 4096

Opens a path.

Checkjpegformat = 4119

Checks whether the printer supports a JPEG image.

Checkpngformat = 4120

Checks whether the printer supports a PNG image.

ClipToPath = 4097

Defines a clip region that is bounded by a path. The input MUST be a 16-bit quantity that defines the action to take.

CloseChannel = 4112


Downloadface = 514

Sets the font face name on a device.

Downloadheader = 4111

Instructs the printer driver to download sets of PostScript procedures.

Draftmode = 7

Indicates that the printer driver SHOULD print text only, and no graphics.

Drawpatternrect = 25

Draws a rectangle with a defined pattern.

Enableduplex = 28

Enables or disables double-sided (duplex) printing on a device.

EncapsulatedPostscript = 4116

Sends arbitrary data directly to the printer driver.

EndPath = 4098

Ends a path.

Enddoc = 11

Notifies the printer driver that the current print job is ending.

Enumpaperbins = 31

Retrieves information concerning the sources of different forms on an output device.

Enumpapermetrics = 34

Queries a printer driver for paper dimensions and other forms data.

Epsprinting = 33

Indicates the start and end of an encapsulated PostScript (EPS) section.

Exttextout = 512

Draws text using the currently selected font, background color, and text color.

Flushout = 6

Causes all pending output to be flushed to the output device.

GetPsFeaturesetting = 4121

Gets information on a specified feature setting for a PostScript printer driver.

Getcolortable = 5

Gets color table values.

Getdeviceunits = 42

Gets the device units currently configured on an output device.

Getextendedtextmetrics = 256

Gets extended text metrics currently configured on an output device.

Getfacename = 513

Gets the font face name currently configured on a device.

Getpairkerntable = 258

Gets the font kern table currently defined on an output device.

Getphyspagesize = 12

Retrieves the physical page size currently selected on an output device.

Getprintingoffset = 13

Retrieves the offset from the upper-left corner of the physical page where the actual printing or drawing begins.

Getscalingfactor = 14

Retrieves the scaling factors for the x-axis and the y-axis of a printer.

Getsetpaperbins = 29

Retrieves or specifies the source of output forms on a device.

Getsetpapermetrics = 35

Retrieves or specifies paper dimensions and other forms data on an output device.

Getsetprintorient = 30

Retrieves or specifies the paper orientation on a device.

Gettechnology = 20

Gets information concerning graphics technology that is supported on a device.

Getvectorbrushsize = 27

Retrieves the physical brush size currently defined on a device.

Getvectorpensize = 26

Retrieves the physical pen size currently defined on a device.

MetaEscapeEnhancedMetafile = 15

Used to embed an enhanced metafile format (EMF) metafile within a WMF metafile.

MetafileDriver = 2049

Queries a printer driver about the support for metafiles on an output device.

MxdcEscape = 4122

Enables applications to write documents to a file or to a printer in XML Paper Specification (XPS) format.

Newframe = 1

Notifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a page.

Nextband = 3

Notifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a band.

OpenChannel = 4110

The same as STARTDOC specified with a NULL document and output filename, data in raw mode, and a type of zero.

Passthrough = 19

This record passes through arbitrary data.

PostscriptData = 37

Sends arbitrary PostScript data to an output device.

PostscriptIdentify = 4117

Sets the printer driver to either PostScript or GDI mode.

PostscriptIgnore = 38

Notifies an output device to ignore PostScript data.

PostscriptInjection = 4118

Inserts a block of raw data into a PostScript stream. The input MUST be a 32-bit quantity specifying the number of bytes to inject, a 16-bit quantity specifying the injection point, and a 16-bit quantity specifying the page number, followed by the bytes to inject.

PostscriptPassthrough = 4115

Sends arbitrary data directly to a printer driver, which is expected to process this data only when in PostScript mode. Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.Consts.WmfMetafileEscapes.PostscriptIdentify.

Querydibsupport = 3073

Queries the printer driver about its support for DIBs on an output device.

Queryescsupport = 8

Queries a printer driver to determine whether a specific escape function is supported on the output device it drives.

Setabortproc = 9

Sets the application-defined function that allows a print job to be canceled during printing.

Setcolortable = 4

Sets color table values.

Setcopycount = 17

Sets the number of copies.

Setdibscaling = 32

Specifies the scaling of device-independent bitmaps (DIBs).

Setlinecap = 21

Specifies the line-drawing mode to use in output to a device.

Setlinejoin = 22

Specifies the line-joining mode to use in output to a device.

Setmiterlimit = 23

Sets the limit for the length of miter joins to use in output to a device.

Setpapersource = 18

Sets the source, such as a particular paper tray or bin on a printer, for output forms.

Setpenwidth = 16

Sets the width of a pen in pixels.

Spclpassthrough2 = 4568

Enables applications to include private procedures and other arbitrary data in documents.

Startdoc = 10

Notifies the printer driver that a new print job is starting.