Class ApngOptions
Namespace: Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions
Assembly: Aspose.Imaging.dll (25.2.0)
The API for Animated PNG (Animated Portable Network Graphics) image file format creation is a dynamic tool for developers seeking to generate captivating animated images. With customizable options such as frame duration and the number of times to loop, this API allows for fine-tuning animated content according to specific needs. Whether creating engaging web graphics or interactive visuals, you can leverage this API to seamlessly incorporate APNG images with precise control over animation parameters.
public class ApngOptions : PngOptions, IDisposable, IHasXmpData, IHasMetadata, ICloneable
object ← DisposableObject ← ImageOptionsBase ← PngOptions ← ApngOptions
IDisposable, IHasXmpData, IHasMetadata, ICloneable
Inherited Members
PngOptions.DefaultCompressionLevel, PngOptions.ColorType, PngOptions.Progressive, PngOptions.FilterType, PngOptions.CompressionLevel, PngOptions.BitDepth, ImageOptionsBase.Clone(), ImageOptionsBase.ReleaseManagedResources(), ImageOptionsBase.KeepMetadata, ImageOptionsBase.XmpData, ImageOptionsBase.Source, ImageOptionsBase.Palette, ImageOptionsBase.ResolutionSettings, ImageOptionsBase.VectorRasterizationOptions, ImageOptionsBase.BufferSizeHint, ImageOptionsBase.MultiPageOptions, ImageOptionsBase.FullFrame, ImageOptionsBase.ProgressEventHandler, DisposableObject.Dispose(), DisposableObject.ReleaseManagedResources(), DisposableObject.ReleaseUnmanagedResources(), DisposableObject.VerifyNotDisposed(), DisposableObject.Disposed, object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
The following example shows how to export apng APNG file format from other non-animated multi-page format.```csharp [C#]
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using (Image image = Image.Load("img4.tif")) {
// Setting up the default frame duration
image.Save("img4.tif.500ms.png", new ApngOptions() { DefaultFrameTime = 500 }); // 500 ms
image.Save("img4.tif.250ms.png", new ApngOptions() { DefaultFrameTime = 250 }); // 250 ms
The following example shows how to export to APNG file format.```csharp
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using (Image image = Image.Load("Animation1.webp")) {
// Export to APNG animation with unlimited animation cycles as default
image.Save("Animation1.webp.png", new ApngOptions());
// Setting up animation cycles
image.Save("Animation2.webp.png", new ApngOptions() { NumPlays = 5 }); // 5 cycles
The following example shows how to create APNG image from another raster single-page image.```csharp [C#]
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Apng;
const int AnimationDuration = 1000; // 1 s
const int FrameDuration = 70; // 70 ms
using (RasterImage sourceImage = (RasterImage)Image.Load("not_animated.png"))
ApngOptions createOptions = new ApngOptions
Source = new FileCreateSource("raster_animation.png", false),
DefaultFrameTime = (uint)FrameDuration,
ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha,
using (ApngImage apngImage = (ApngImage)Image.Create(
// It is possible to set image default frame time there: apngImage.DefaultFrameTime = (uint)FrameDuration;
int numOfFrames = AnimationDuration / FrameDuration;
int numOfFrames2 = numOfFrames / 2;
// Cleaning because the image contains one frame by default
// add first frame
// add intermediate frames
for (int frameIndex = 1; frameIndex < numOfFrames - 1; ++frameIndex)
ApngFrame lastFrame = (ApngFrame)apngImage.Pages[apngImage.PageCount - 1];
float gamma = frameIndex >= numOfFrames2 ? numOfFrames - frameIndex - 1 : frameIndex;
// add last frame
## Constructors
### <a id="Aspose_Imaging_ImageOptions_ApngOptions__ctor"></a> ApngOptions\(\)
Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.ApngOptions class.
public ApngOptions()
Gets or sets the default frame duration.
public uint DefaultFrameTime { get; set; }
Property Value
The following example shows how to export apng APNG file format from other non-animated multi-page format.```csharp [C#]
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using (Image image = Image.Load("img4.tif")) {
// Setting up the default frame duration
image.Save("img4.tif.500ms.png", new ApngOptions() { DefaultFrameTime = 500 }); // 500 ms
image.Save("img4.tif.250ms.png", new ApngOptions() { DefaultFrameTime = 250 }); // 250 ms
The following example shows how to create APNG image from another raster single-page image.```csharp
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Apng;
const int AnimationDuration = 1000; // 1 s
const int FrameDuration = 70; // 70 ms
using (RasterImage sourceImage = (RasterImage)Image.Load("not_animated.png"))
ApngOptions createOptions = new ApngOptions
Source = new FileCreateSource("raster_animation.png", false),
DefaultFrameTime = (uint)FrameDuration,
ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha,
using (ApngImage apngImage = (ApngImage)Image.Create(
// It is possible to set image default frame time there: apngImage.DefaultFrameTime = (uint)FrameDuration;
int numOfFrames = AnimationDuration / FrameDuration;
int numOfFrames2 = numOfFrames / 2;
// Cleaning because the image contains one frame by default
// add first frame
// add intermediate frames
for (int frameIndex = 1; frameIndex < numOfFrames - 1; ++frameIndex)
ApngFrame lastFrame = (ApngFrame)apngImage.Pages[apngImage.PageCount - 1];
float gamma = frameIndex >= numOfFrames2 ? numOfFrames - frameIndex - 1 : frameIndex;
// add last frame
Gets or sets the number of times to loop animation. 0 indicates infinite looping.
public int NumPlays { get; set; }
Property Value
The following example shows how to export to APNG file format.```csharp [C#]
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
using (Image image = Image.Load("Animation1.webp")) {
// Export to APNG animation with unlimited animation cycles as default
image.Save("Animation1.webp.png", new ApngOptions());
// Setting up animation cycles
image.Save("Animation2.webp.png", new ApngOptions() { NumPlays = 5 }); // 5 cycles