Enum NumberFormat

Enum NumberFormat

Namespace: Aspose.Note
Assembly: Aspose.Note.dll (24.12.0)

Specifies the numbering format that can be used for a group of automatically numbered objects. Full list is specified on MSDN

public enum NumberFormat : byte


ChineseCounting = 37

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of sequential numbers from the Chinese counting system.

ChineseCountingThousand = 39

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of sequential numbers from the Chinese counting thousand system.

DecimalNumbers = 0

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of decimal numbering. Example: 1, 2, 3, …, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, …, 18, 19, 20, 21.

LowerLetter = 4

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of one or more occurrences of a single letter of the Latin alphabet in lower case. Example: a, b, c, …, y, z, aa, bb, cc, …, yy, zz, aaa, bbb, ccc.

LowerRoman = 2

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of lowercase roman numerals. Example: i, ii, iii, iv, …, xviii, xix, xx, xxi.

TaiwaneseCounting = 33

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of sequential numbers from the Taiwanese counting system.

TaiwaneseCountingThousand = 35

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of sequential numbers from the Taiwanese counting thousand system.

UpperLetter = 3

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of one or more occurrences of a single letter of the Latin alphabet in upper case. Example: A, B, C, …, Y, Z, AA, BB, CC, …, YY, ZZ, AAA, BBB, CCC.

UpperRoman = 1

Specifies that the sequence shall consist of uppercase roman numerals. Example: I, II, III, IV, …, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI.