Namespace Aspose.Note.Saving

Namespace Aspose.Note.Saving


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
AlwaysSplitObjectsAlgorithmSplits an object into several parts in case it doesn’t fit in original page.
HtmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving document to HTML format.
ImageBinarizationOptionsOptions for image’s binarization.
ImageSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering document pages to images.
KeepPartAndCloneSolidObjectToNextPageAlgorithmAdds object’s top part to the bottom of the page and clones full object to the next page in case it doesn’t fit in original page.
KeepSolidObjectsAlgorithmShifts full object to the next page in case it doesn’t fit in original page.
NotebookHtmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving notebook to HTML format.
NotebookImageSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering notebook pages to images.
NotebookOneSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving notebook to OneNote format.
NotebookPdfSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering notebook pages to PDF.
NotebookSaveOptions<tdocumentsaveoptions>An abstract base class which represents notebook saving options for a particular format and provides common saving options for all document child nodes.
NotebookSaveOptionsAn abstract base class which represents notebook saving options for a particular format.
OneSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving document to OneNote format.
PageSettingsRepresents the layout settings for a page.
PageSplittingAlgorithmBase class for splitting an object in case it doesn’t fit in original page.
PdfSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering document pages to PDF.
PrintOptionsOptions used to print a document.
SaveOptionsAn abstract base class which represents document saving options for a particular format. </tdocumentsaveoptions>


Enum NameDescription
BinarizationMethodSpecifies binarization method for an image.
ColorModeThe color mode of the image.
TiffCompressionSpecifies what type of compression to use when saving a document to the TIFF format.