Enum TagIcon

Enum TagIcon

Namespace: Aspose.Note
Assembly: Aspose.Note.dll (24.12.0)

Specifies the icon of tag or task icon.

public enum TagIcon


AwardRibbon = 26

Award ribbon icon.

Binoculars = 129

Binoculars icon.

BlankPaperWithLines = 134

Blank paper with lines icon.

BlueCheckBox = 3

Blue check box icon.

BlueCheckBox1 = 28

Blue check box 1 icon.

BlueCheckBox1Empty = 144

Blue empty check box1 icon.

BlueCheckBox2 = 30

Blue check box 2 icon.

BlueCheckBox2Empty = 145

Blue empty check box2 icon.

BlueCheckBox3 = 32

Blue check box 3 icon.

BlueCheckBox3Empty = 146

Blue empty check box3 icon.

BlueCheckBoxEmpty = 147

Blue empty check box icon.

BlueCheckMark = 35

Blue check mark icon.

BlueCircle = 36

Blue circle icon.

BlueCircle1 = 29

Blue circle 1 icon.

BlueCircle2 = 31

Blue circle 2 icon.

BlueCircle3 = 33

Blue circle 3 icon.

BlueDownArrow = 37

Blue down arrow icon.

BlueEightPointStar = 34

Blue, eight-point star icon.

BlueExclamationCheckBox = 9

Blue-exclamation check box icon.

BlueExclamationCheckBoxEmpty = 148

Blue exclamation check box empty icon.

BlueFlagCheckBox = 97

Blue flag check box icon.

BlueFlagCheckBoxEmpty = 149

Blue flag check box empty icon.

BlueFollowUpFlag = 14

Blue follow-up flag icon.

BlueLeftArrow = 38

Blue left arrow icon.

BluePersonCheckBox = 94

Blue person check box icon.

BluePersonCheckBoxEmpty = 150

Blue person check box empty icon.

BlueRightArrow = 16

Blue right arrow icon.

BlueRightArrowCheckBox = 12

Blue, right-arrow check box icon.

BlueRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty = 151

Blue right arrow check box empty icon.

BlueSolidTarget = 39

Blue solid target icon.

BlueSquare = 102

Blue square icon.

BlueStar = 40

Blue star icon.

BlueStarCheckBox = 6

Blue-star check box icon.

BlueStarCheckBoxEmpty = 152

Blue star check box empty icon.

BlueSun = 41

Blue sun icon.

BlueTarget = 42

Blue target icon.

BlueTriangle = 43

Blue triangle icon.

BlueUmbrella = 44

Blue umbrella icon.

BlueUpArrow = 45

Blue up arrow icon.

BlueXNo = 47

Blue “X” icon.

BlueXWithDots = 46

Blue “X” with dots icon.

CalendarDateWithClock = 120

Calendar date with clock icon.

Car = 128

Icon with a car.

ClosedEnvelope = 107

Closed envelope icon.

Cloud = 141

Cloud icon.

CoinsWithWindowBackdrop = 138

Coins with a window backdrop icon.

CommentBubble = 24

Comment bubble icon.

ContactInformation = 18

Contact information icon.

ContactPersonOnCard = 118

Contact (person on a card) icon.

DollarSign = 137

Dollar sign ($) icon.

EMailMessage = 106

E-mail message icon.

FollowUpNextWeekFlag = 92

Follow up next week flag icon.

FollowUpThisWeekFlag = 91

Follow up this week flag icon.

FollowUpTodayFlag = 89

Follow up today flag icon.

FollowUpTomorrowFlag = 90

Follow up tomorrow flag icon.

FrowningFace = 113

Frowning face icon.

Globe = 124

Globe icon.

GreenCheckBox = 1

Green check box icon.

GreenCheckBox1 = 48

Green check box 1 icon.

GreenCheckBox1Empty = 153

Green empty check box1 icon.

GreenCheckBox2 = 50

Green check box 2 icon.

GreenCheckBox2Empty = 154

Green empty check box2 icon.

GreenCheckBox3 = 52

Green check box 3 icon.

GreenCheckBox3Empty = 155

Green empty check box3 icon.

GreenCheckBoxEmpty = 156

Green empty check box icon.

GreenCheckMark = 55

Green check mark icon.

GreenCircle = 56

Green circle icon.

GreenCircle1 = 49

Green circle 1 icon.

GreenCircle2 = 51

Green circle 2 icon.

GreenCircle3 = 53

Green circle 3 icon.

GreenDownArrow = 57

Green down arrow icon.

GreenEightPointStar = 54

Green, eight-point star icon.

GreenExclamationCheckBox = 7

Green-exclamation check box icon.

GreenExclamationCheckBoxEmpty = 157

Green exclamation empty check box icon.

GreenFlagCheckBox = 99

Green flag check box icon.

GreenFlagCheckBoxEmpty = 158

Green flag empty check box icon.

GreenLeftArrow = 58

Green left arrow icon.

GreenPersonCheckBox = 96

Green person check box icon.

GreenPersonCheckBoxEmpty = 159

Green person empty check box icon.

GreenRightArrow = 59

Green right arrow icon.

GreenRightArrowCheckBox = 10

Green, right-arrow check box icon.

GreenRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty = 160

Green right empty arrow check box icon.

GreenSolidArrow = 60

Green solid arrow icon.

GreenSquare = 103

Green square icon.

GreenStar = 61

Green star icon.

GreenStarCheckBox = 4

Green-star check box icon.

GreenStarCheckBoxEmpty = 161

Green star empty check box icon.

GreenSun = 62

Green sun icon.

GreenTarget = 63

Green target icon.

GreenTriangle = 64

Green triangle icon.

GreenUmbrella = 65

Green umbrella icon.

GreenUpArrow = 66

Green up arrow icon.

GreenXNo = 68

Green “X” icon.

GreenXWithDots = 67

Green “X” with dots icon.

Heart = 142

Heart icon.

HighPriority = 17

High priority (red exclamation mark) icon.

Home = 23

Home icon.

HyperlinkGlobe = 125

Hyperlink globe icon.

InstantMessagingContactPerson = 114

Instant messaging (IM) contact person icon.

Laptop = 126

Laptop icon.

LightBulb = 21

Light bulb icon.

LightningBolt = 140

Lightning bolt icon.

Meeting = 19

Meeting (calendar) icon.

MobilePhone = 109

Mobile phone icon.

MovieClip = 122

Movie clip icon.

MusicalNote = 121

Musical note icon.

NoFollowUpDateFlag = 93

No follow-up date flag icon.

NoIcon = 0

Icon isn’t specified icon.

NotebookWithClock = 133

Notebook with clock icon.

OpenBook = 132

Open book icon.

OpenEnvelope = 108

Open envelope icon.

OrangeSquare = 104

Orange square icon.

Padlock = 131

Padlock icon.

PaperClip = 112

Paper clip icon.

Pen = 136

Icon with a pen.

PersonWithExclamationMark = 115

Person with exclamation mark icon.

PinkSquare = 105

Pink square icon.

Plane = 127

Plane icon.

PresentationSlide = 130

Presentation slide icon.

Pushpin = 22

Pushpin icon.

QuestionBalloon = 111

Question balloon icon.

QuestionMark = 15

Question mark icon.

QuotationMark = 123

Quotation mark icon.

RedFlagCheckBox = 98

Red flag check box icon.

RedFlagCheckBoxEmpty = 162

Red empty flag check box icon.

RedSquare = 100

Red square icon.

ReminderBell = 117

Reminder bell icon.

Research = 135

Research (books with a magnifying glass) icon.

RoseOnStem = 119

Rose on a stem icon.

ScheduledTask = 139

Scheduled task (form with a clock) icon.

SmilingFace = 25

Smiling face icon.

Sunflower = 143

Sunflower icon.

TelephoneWithClock = 110

Telephone with clock icon.

TimeSensitive = 20

Time-sensitive icon.

TwoPeople = 116

Two people icon.

YellowCheckBox = 2

Yellow check box icon.

YellowCheckBox1 = 69

Yellow check box 1 icon.

YellowCheckBox1Empty = 163

Yellow empty check box1 icon.

YellowCheckBox2 = 71

Yellow check box 2 icon.

YellowCheckBox2Empty = 164

Yellow empty check box2 icon.

YellowCheckBox3 = 73

Yellow check box 3 icon.

YellowCheckBox3Empty = 165

Yellow empty check box3 icon.

YellowCheckBoxEmpty = 166

Yellow empty check box icon.

YellowCheckMark = 76

Yellow check mark icon.

YellowCircle = 77

Yellow circle icon.

YellowCircle1 = 70

Yellow circle 1 icon.

YellowCircle2 = 72

Yellow circle 2 icon.

YellowCircle3 = 74

Yellow circle 3 icon.

YellowDownArrow = 78

Yellow down arrow icon.

YellowEightPointStar = 75

Yellow, eight-point star icon.

YellowExclamationCheckBox = 8

Yellow-exclamation check box icon.

YellowExclamationCheckBoxEmpty = 167

Yellow empty exclamation check box icon.

YellowKey = 27

Yellow key icon.

YellowLeftArrow = 79

Yellow left arrow icon.

YellowPersonCheckBox = 95

Yellow person check box icon.

YellowPersonCheckBoxEmpty = 168

Yellow empty person check box icon.

YellowRightArrow = 80

Yellow right arrow icon.

YellowRightArrowCheckBox = 11

Yellow, right-arrow check box icon.

YellowRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty = 169

Yellow empty right arrow check box icon.

YellowSolidTarget = 81

Yellow solid target icon.

YellowSquare = 101

Yellow square icon.

YellowStar = 13

Yellow star icon.

YellowStarCheckBox = 5

Yellow-star check box icon.

YellowStarCheckBoxEmpty = 170

Yellow empty star check box icon.

YellowSun = 82

Yellow sun icon.

YellowTarget = 83

Yellow target icon.

YellowTriangle = 84

Yellow triangle icon.

YellowUmbrella = 85

Yellow umbrella icon.

YellowUpArrow = 86

Yellow up arrow icon.

YellowX = 88

Yellow “X” icon.

YellowXWithDots = 87

Yellow “X” with dots icon.