Class Title

Class Title

Namespace: Aspose.Note
Assembly: Aspose.Note.dll (24.12.0)

Represents a title.

public sealed class Title : CompositeNodeBase, ICompositeNode<richtext>, ICompositeNode, IEnumerable<richtext>, IEnumerable, IPageChildNode, INode




ICompositeNode<richtext>, ICompositeNode, IEnumerable<richtext>, IEnumerable, IPageChildNode, INode

Inherited Members

CompositeNodeBase.GetChildNodes(NodeType), CompositeNodeBase.GetChildNodes<t1>(), Node.Accept(DocumentVisitor), Node.Document, Node.IsComposite, Node.NodeType, Node.ParentNode, Node.PreviousSibling, Node.NextSibling, object.GetType(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()


Shows how to edit page’s history.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Pages();

                                        // Load OneNote document and get first child           
                                        Document document = new Document(dataDir + "");
                                        Page page = document.FirstChild;

                                        var pageHistory = document.GetPageHistory(page);

                                        pageHistory.RemoveRange(0, 1);

                                        pageHistory[0] = new Page(document);
                                        if (pageHistory.Count &gt; 1)
                                            pageHistory[1].Title.TitleText.Text = "New Title";

                                            pageHistory.Add(new Page(document));

                                            pageHistory.Insert(1, new Page(document));

                                            document.Save(dataDir + "");

Shows how to set a title for a page.```csharp
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();
                                               string outputPath = dataDir + "";

                                               var doc = new Document();
                                               var page = new Page(doc);

                                               page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                   TitleText = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = "Title text.",
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                                   TitleDate = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                                   TitleTime = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = "12:34",
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default



Shows how to create a document and save it in html format using default options.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                       // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                       Document doc = new Document();
                                                                                       Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                       page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                            TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                       // Save into HTML format
                                                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "CreateOneNoteDocAndSaveToHTML_out.html";

Shows how to create a document and save in html format specified range of pages.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                           // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                           Document doc = new Document();

                                                                                           Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                           page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                            TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                           // Save into HTML format
                                                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "CreateAndSavePageRange_out.html";
                                                                                           doc.Save(dataDir, new HtmlSaveOptions
                                                                                                                 PageCount = 1,
                                                                                                                 PageIndex = 0

Shows how to create a document with titled page.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                       // Create an object of the Document class
                                                       Document doc = new Aspose.Note.Document();

                                                       // Initialize Page class object
                                                       Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };

                                                       // Set page title properties
                                                       page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                        TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                        TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                        TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                       // Append Page node in the document

                                                       // Save OneNote document
                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "";

Shows how to save a document in different formats.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                             string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                             // Initialize the new Document
                                                             Document doc = new Document() { AutomaticLayoutChangesDetectionEnabled = false };

                                                             // Initialize the new Page
                                                             Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                             // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                             ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                             page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                              TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                              TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                              TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                             // Append page node

                                                             // Save OneNote document in different formats, set text font size and detect layout changes manually.
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.html");            
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.pdf");            
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.jpg");            
                                                             textStyle.FontSize = 11;           
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.bmp");



public Title()



Gets or sets the horizontal offset.

public float HorizontalOffset { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets a value indicating whether this node is composite. If true the node can have child nodes.

public override bool IsComposite { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the last modified time.

public DateTime LastModifiedTime { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a string representation of the date in the title.

public RichText TitleDate { get; set; }

Property Value



Shows how to set a title for a page.```csharp string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text(); string outputPath = dataDir + “”;

                                           var doc = new Document();
                                           var page = new Page(doc);

                                           page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                               TitleText = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = "Title text.",
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                               TitleDate = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                               TitleTime = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = "12:34",
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default



Shows how to create a document and save it in html format using default options.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                           // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                           Document doc = new Document();
                                                                                           Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                           page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                                TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                                TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                                TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                           // Save into HTML format
                                                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "CreateOneNoteDocAndSaveToHTML_out.html";

Shows how to create a document and save in html format specified range of pages.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                       // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                       Document doc = new Document();

                                                                                       Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                       page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                        TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                        TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                        TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                       // Save into HTML format
                                                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "CreateAndSavePageRange_out.html";
                                                                                       doc.Save(dataDir, new HtmlSaveOptions
                                                                                                             PageCount = 1,
                                                                                                             PageIndex = 0

Shows how to create a document with titled page.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                           // Create an object of the Document class
                                                           Document doc = new Aspose.Note.Document();

                                                           // Initialize Page class object
                                                           Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };

                                                           // Set page title properties
                                                           page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                            TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                           // Append Page node in the document

                                                           // Save OneNote document
                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "";

Shows how to save a document in different formats.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                         // Initialize the new Document
                                                         Document doc = new Document() { AutomaticLayoutChangesDetectionEnabled = false };

                                                         // Initialize the new Page
                                                         Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                         // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                         ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                         page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                          TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                          TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                          TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                         // Append page node

                                                         // Save OneNote document in different formats, set text font size and detect layout changes manually.
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.html");            
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.pdf");            
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.jpg");            
                                                         textStyle.FontSize = 11;           
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.bmp");

### <a id="Aspose_Note_Title_TitleText"></a> TitleText

Gets or sets the text of the title.

public RichText TitleText { get; set; }

Property Value



Shows how to edit page’s history.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Pages();

                                        // Load OneNote document and get first child           
                                        Document document = new Document(dataDir + "");
                                        Page page = document.FirstChild;

                                        var pageHistory = document.GetPageHistory(page);

                                        pageHistory.RemoveRange(0, 1);

                                        pageHistory[0] = new Page(document);
                                        if (pageHistory.Count &gt; 1)
                                            pageHistory[1].Title.TitleText.Text = "New Title";

                                            pageHistory.Add(new Page(document));

                                            pageHistory.Insert(1, new Page(document));

                                            document.Save(dataDir + "");

Shows how to set a title for a page.```csharp
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();
                                               string outputPath = dataDir + "";

                                               var doc = new Document();
                                               var page = new Page(doc);

                                               page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                   TitleText = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = "Title text.",
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                                   TitleDate = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                                   TitleTime = new RichText(doc)
                                                       Text = "12:34",
                                                       ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default



Shows how to create a document and save it in html format using default options.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                       // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                       Document doc = new Document();
                                                                                       Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                       page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                            TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                       // Save into HTML format
                                                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "CreateOneNoteDocAndSaveToHTML_out.html";

Shows how to create a document and save in html format specified range of pages.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                           // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                           Document doc = new Document();

                                                                                           Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                           page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                            TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                           // Save into HTML format
                                                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "CreateAndSavePageRange_out.html";
                                                                                           doc.Save(dataDir, new HtmlSaveOptions
                                                                                                                 PageCount = 1,
                                                                                                                 PageIndex = 0

Shows how to create a document with titled page.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                       // Create an object of the Document class
                                                       Document doc = new Aspose.Note.Document();

                                                       // Initialize Page class object
                                                       Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };

                                                       // Set page title properties
                                                       page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                        TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                        TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                        TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                       // Append Page node in the document

                                                       // Save OneNote document
                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "";

Shows how to save a document in different formats.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                             string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                             // Initialize the new Document
                                                             Document doc = new Document() { AutomaticLayoutChangesDetectionEnabled = false };

                                                             // Initialize the new Page
                                                             Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                             // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                             ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                             page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                              TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                              TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                              TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                             // Append page node

                                                             // Save OneNote document in different formats, set text font size and detect layout changes manually.
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.html");            
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.pdf");            
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.jpg");            
                                                             textStyle.FontSize = 11;           
                                                             doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.bmp");


Gets or sets a string representation of the time in the title.

public RichText TitleTime { get; set; }

Property Value



Shows how to set a title for a page.```csharp string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text(); string outputPath = dataDir + “”;

                                           var doc = new Document();
                                           var page = new Page(doc);

                                           page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                               TitleText = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = "Title text.",
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                               TitleDate = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default
                                               TitleTime = new RichText(doc)
                                                   Text = "12:34",
                                                   ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle.Default



Shows how to create a document and save it in html format using default options.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                           // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                           Document doc = new Document();
                                                                                           Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                           page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                                TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                                TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                                TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                           // Save into HTML format
                                                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "CreateOneNoteDocAndSaveToHTML_out.html";

Shows how to create a document and save in html format specified range of pages.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                                                       // Initialize OneNote document
                                                                                       Document doc = new Document();

                                                                                       Page page = doc.AppendChildLast(new Page());

                                                                                       // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                                                       ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                                                       page.Title = new Title()
                                                                                                        TitleText = new RichText() { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                        TitleDate = new RichText() { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                                                        TitleTime = new RichText() { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                                                       // Save into HTML format
                                                                                       dataDir = dataDir + "CreateAndSavePageRange_out.html";
                                                                                       doc.Save(dataDir, new HtmlSaveOptions
                                                                                                             PageCount = 1,
                                                                                                             PageIndex = 0

Shows how to create a document with titled page.```csharp
// The path to the documents directory.
                                                           string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                           // Create an object of the Document class
                                                           Document doc = new Aspose.Note.Document();

                                                           // Initialize Page class object
                                                           Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                           // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                           ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };

                                                           // Set page title properties
                                                           page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                            TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                            TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                            TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                           // Append Page node in the document

                                                           // Save OneNote document
                                                           dataDir = dataDir + "";

Shows how to save a document in different formats.```csharp // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();

                                                         // Initialize the new Document
                                                         Document doc = new Document() { AutomaticLayoutChangesDetectionEnabled = false };

                                                         // Initialize the new Page
                                                         Aspose.Note.Page page = new Aspose.Note.Page(doc);

                                                         // Default style for all text in the document.
                                                         ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle { FontColor = Color.Black, FontName = "Arial", FontSize = 10 };
                                                         page.Title = new Title(doc)
                                                                          TitleText = new RichText(doc) { Text = "Title text.", ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                          TitleDate = new RichText(doc) { Text = new DateTime(2011, 11, 11).ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ParagraphStyle = textStyle },
                                                                          TitleTime = new RichText(doc) { Text = "12:34", ParagraphStyle = textStyle }

                                                         // Append page node

                                                         // Save OneNote document in different formats, set text font size and detect layout changes manually.
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.html");            
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.pdf");            
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.jpg");            
                                                         textStyle.FontSize = 11;           
                                                         doc.Save(dataDir + "ConsequentExportOperations_out.bmp");

### <a id="Aspose_Note_Title_VerticalOffset"></a> VerticalOffset

Gets or sets the vertical offset.

public float VerticalOffset { get; set; }

Property Value




Accepts the visitor of the node.

public override void Accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)


visitor DocumentVisitor

The object of a class derived from the Aspose.Note.DocumentVisitor.


Get all child nodes by node type.

[Obsolete("Use GetChildNodes<t>() method instead.")]
public override List<inode> GetChildNodes(NodeType type)


type NodeType

The node type.



A list of child nodes.


Get all child nodes by the node type.

public override List<t1> GetChildNodes<t1>() where T1 : class, INode



A list of child nodes.

Type Parameters


The type of elements in the returned list.


Returns an enumerator that iterates through child nodes of the Aspose.Note.Title.

public IEnumerator<richtext> GetEnumerator()



The System.Collections.IEnumerator. </t1></t1></t1></richtext></richtext>