AsposeOcr | Main API for Aspose OCR library |
BaseRecognitionSettings | Settings for the image recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
CarPlateRecognitionSettings | Settings for the car number recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
Character | Data about detected character. |
CharacterRecognitionResult | Pages with detected characters data. |
DefectAreas | Image areas containing a certain type of defect. |
DefectOutput | Areas containing defects identified in the image. |
IDCardRecognitionSettings | Settings for the ID Card recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
ImageData | Information about processed / recognized image. |
ImageProcessing | Helper class for Aspose OCR library. Allows to preprocess and save images. |
InvoiceRecognitionSettings | Settings for the invoice recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
LanguageDetectionOutput | Languages detected in the image text. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
RecognitionResult.LinesResult | Recognized text from row with row coordinates. |
Logging | Class to create log configurations. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
OcrInput | Container to collect all images / documents for preprocessing / recognition. |
OcrOutput | A container class to store and manage the results of OCR operations. |
OnnxRuntimeSessionOptions | Configuration options for creating ONNX InferenceSession. We recommend keeping the optimized defaults unless you are absolutely certain about the modifications. For technical details, refer to ONNX Runtime documentation. |
PassportRecognitionSettings | Settings for the passport recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
ReceiptRecognitionSettings | Settings for the receipt recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
RecognitionResult | The results of the image recognition. Contains elements with recognition information and methods for result export. |
RecognitionSettings | Settings for the image recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process. |
RectangleOutput | Data about detected text areas or lines. |
Resources | Manage downloadable resources that enhance Aspose.OCR recognition capabilities. |
SkewOutput | Data about skew angle in degrees and name of the file. |