Namespace Aspose.OCR


Namespace NameDescription


Class NameDescription
AsposeOcrMain API for Aspose OCR library
BaseRecognitionSettingsSettings for the image recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
CarPlateRecognitionSettingsSettings for the car number recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
CharacterData about detected character.
CharacterRecognitionResultPages with detected characters data.
DefectAreasImage areas containing a certain type of defect.
DefectOutputAreas containing defects identified in the image.
IDCardRecognitionSettingsSettings for the ID Card recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
ImageDataInformation about processed / recognized image.
ImageProcessingHelper class for Aspose OCR library. Allows to preprocess and save images.
InvoiceRecognitionSettingsSettings for the invoice recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
LanguageDetectionOutputLanguages detected in the image text.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
RecognitionResult.LinesResultRecognized text from row with row coordinates.
LoggingClass to create log configurations.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
OcrInputContainer to collect all images / documents for preprocessing / recognition.
OcrOutputA container class to store and manage the results of OCR operations.
OnnxRuntimeSessionOptionsConfiguration options for creating ONNX InferenceSession. We recommend keeping the optimized defaults unless you are absolutely certain about the modifications. For technical details, refer to ONNX Runtime documentation.
PassportRecognitionSettingsSettings for the passport recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
ReceiptRecognitionSettingsSettings for the receipt recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
RecognitionResultThe results of the image recognition. Contains elements with recognition information and methods for result export.
RecognitionSettingsSettings for the image recognition. Contains elements that allow customizing the recognition process.
RectangleOutputData about detected text areas or lines.
ResourcesManage downloadable resources that enhance Aspose.OCR recognition capabilities.
SkewOutputData about skew angle in degrees and name of the file.


Struct NameDescription
RectangleStores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.


Enum NameDescription
AreasTypeDetermines the type of regions detected by the model.
CharactersAllowedTypeDetermines the type of characters allowed for recognition result.
CountryFor better passport recognition point the passport country.
DefectTypeThe types of image defects.
DetectAreasModeDetermines the type of neural network used for areas detection.
ExecutionModeOnnxControls whether you want to execute operators in the graph one-by-one or in concurrently.
GraphOptimizationLevelOnnxGraph optimization level to use with SessionOptions. For technical details, refer to ONNX Runtime documentation.
InputTypeTypes of image/ documents for processing / recognition.
LanguageLanguages used for OCR. ISO 939-3 Code.
LoggingLevelDefines the type of logs to display.
PdfOptimizationModeSignificantly reduce the PDF file size at the expense of lower image quality.
PixelTypeDetermines the type of the pixel data for image recognition.
SaveFormatFor recognition result saving


Delegate NameDescription
OcrRecognizeEventHandlerA delegate to track the progress of multi-page image recognition.