XpsArcSegment | Class incapsulating ArcSegment element features. This element describes an elliptical arc. |
XpsArray<t> | Class incapsulating common XPS model array object features. |
XpsBrush | Class incapsulating common features of all brush elements. |
XpsCanvas | Class incapsulating Canvas element features. This element groups elements together. For example, Glyphs and Path elements can be grouped in a canvas in order to be identified as a unit (as a hyperlink destination) or to apply a composed property value to each child and ancestor element. |
XpsColor | The base class incapsulating common color features. |
XpsContentElement | Incapsulates features of XPS content elements: Canvas, Path and Glyphs. |
XpsElement | Class incapsulating common XPS element features. |
XpsElementLinkTarget | Class incapsulating the relative named-address hyperlink target. |
XpsExternalLinkTarget | Class incapsulating the external hyperlink target. |
XpsFileResource | Class incapsulating common features of all file resources. |
XpsFont | Class incapsulating a TrueType font resource. |
XpsGlyphs | Class incapsulating Glyphs element features. This element represents a run of uniformly-formatted text from a single font. It provides information necessary for accurate rendering and supports search and selection features in viewing consumers. |
XpsGradientBrush | Class incapsulating common features of LinerGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush elements. |
XpsGradientStop | Class incapsulating GradientStop element features. This element is used by both the LinearGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush elements to define the location and range of color progression for rendering a gradient. |
XpsHyperlinkElement | Incapsulates common features of XPS elements that can be a hyperlink. |
XpsHyperlinkTarget | Base class for a hyperlink target. |
XpsIccBasedColor | Incapsulates ICC based color. |
XpsIccProfile | Class incapsulating an ICC profile resource. |
XpsImage | Class incapsulating an image resource. |
XpsImageBrush | Class incapsulating ImageBrush property element features. This element is used to fill a region with an image. |
XpsLinearGradientBrush | Class incapsulating LinearGradientBrush property element features. This element is used to specify a linear gradient brush along a vector. |
XpsMatrix | Class incapsulating MatrixTransform property element features. This element defines an arbitrary affine matrix transformation used to manipulate the coordinate systems of elements. |
XpsObject | Class incapsulating common XPS model object features. |
XpsPage | Class incapsulating FixedPage element features. This element contains the contents of a page and is the root element of a FixedPage part. |
XpsPageLinkTarget | Class incapsulating the page hyperlink target. |
XpsPath | Class incapsulating Path element features. This element is the sole means of adding vector graphics and images to a fixed page. It defines a single vector graphic to be rendered on a page. |
XpsPathFigure | Class incapsulating PathFigure element features. This element is composed of a set of one or more line or curve segments. |
XpsPathGeometry | Class incapsulating PathGeometry property element features. This element contains a set of path figures specified either with the Figures attribute or with a child PathFigure element. |
XpsPathPolySegment | Class incapsulating common features of PolyLineSegment, PolyBézierSegment and PolyQuadraticBézierSegment elements. |
XpsPathSegment | Class incapsulating common features of all path segment elements. |
XpsPolyBezierSegment | Class incapsulating PolyBezierSegment element features. This element describes a set of cubic Bézier curves. |
XpsPolyLineSegment | Class incapsulating PolyLineSegment element features. This element describes a polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices. |
XpsPolyQuadraticBezierSegment | Class incapsulating PolyQuadraticBezierSegment element features. This element describes a set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points. |
XpsRadialGradientBrush | Class incapsulating RadialGradientBrush property element features. This element is used to specify a radial gradient brush. |
XpsRgbColor | Incapsulates RGB color of any color space (sRGB or scRGB). |
XpsSolidColorBrush | Class incapsulating SolidColorBrush property element features. This element is used to fill defined geometric regions with a solid color. |
XpsTilingBrush | Class incapsulating common features of tiling brushes elements (VisualBrush and ImageBrush). |
XpsTransformableBrush | Class incapsulating common features of transformable brushes elements (all except SolidColorBrush). |
XpsVisualBrush | Class incapsulating VisualBrush property element features. This element is used to fill a region with a drawing. </t> |