Class PdfAConverter

Class PdfAConverter

Namespace: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins
Assembly: Aspose.PDF.dll

Represents a plugin for handling the conversion of PDF documents in a PDF/A format and for validation of the PDF/A conformance.

public sealed class PdfAConverter : IPlugin





Inherited Members

object.GetType(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()


The example demonstrates how to validate the PDF document conformance to PDF/A format (PDF/A-1a in this case):

// Create the options class to set up the validation process
var options = new PdfAValidateOptions
    PdfAVersion = PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_1A

// Add one or more files to be validated
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_first_pdf_file.pdf")); // replace with your actual file path
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_second_pdf_file.pdf"));
// add more files as needed

// Create the plugin instance
var plugin = new PdfAConverter();

// Run the validation and get results
var resultContainer = plugin.Process(options);

// Check the resultContainer.ResultCollection property for validation results for each file:
for (var i = 0; i < resultContainer.ResultCollection.Count; i++)
    var result = resultContainer.ResultCollection[i];
    var validationResult = (PdfAValidationResult) result.Data;
    var isValid = validationResult.IsValid; // Validation result for the i-th document

The example demonstrates how to convert the PDF document in a PDF/A format (PDF/A-3b in this case):

// Create the options class to set up the conversion process
var options = new PdfAConvertOptions
    PdfAVersion = PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_3B

// Add the source file
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_pdf_file.pdf")); // replace with your actual file path

// Add the path to save the converted file
options.AddOutput(new FileDataSource("path_to_the_converted_file.pdf"));

// Create the plugin instance
var plugin = new PdfAConverter();

// Run the conversion



public PdfAConverter()



Begins a PDF/A conversion or validation process with given options.

public ResultContainer Process(IPluginOptions options)


options IPluginOptions

An options object containing instructions for the plugin. Must be an instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions or the Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidateOptions class.



A Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer object containing the result of the processing.
