Class PdfAConverter
Namespace: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins
Assembly: Aspose.PDF.dll
Represents a plugin for handling the conversion of PDF documents in a PDF/A format and for validation of the PDF/A conformance.
public sealed class PdfAConverter : IPlugin
Inherited Members
object.GetType(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
The example demonstrates how to validate the PDF document conformance to PDF/A format (PDF/A-1a in this case):
// Create the options class to set up the validation process
var options = new PdfAValidateOptions
PdfAVersion = PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_1A
// Add one or more files to be validated
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_first_pdf_file.pdf")); // replace with your actual file path
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_second_pdf_file.pdf"));
// add more files as needed
// Create the plugin instance
var plugin = new PdfAConverter();
// Run the validation and get results
var resultContainer = plugin.Process(options);
// Check the resultContainer.ResultCollection property for validation results for each file:
for (var i = 0; i < resultContainer.ResultCollection.Count; i++)
var result = resultContainer.ResultCollection[i];
var validationResult = (PdfAValidationResult) result.Data;
var isValid = validationResult.IsValid; // Validation result for the i-th document
The example demonstrates how to convert the PDF document in a PDF/A format (PDF/A-3b in this case):
// Create the options class to set up the conversion process
var options = new PdfAConvertOptions
PdfAVersion = PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_3B
// Add the source file
options.AddInput(new FileDataSource("path_to_your_pdf_file.pdf")); // replace with your actual file path
// Add the path to save the converted file
options.AddOutput(new FileDataSource("path_to_the_converted_file.pdf"));
// Create the plugin instance
var plugin = new PdfAConverter();
// Run the conversion
public PdfAConverter()
Begins a PDF/A conversion or validation process with given options.
public ResultContainer Process(IPluginOptions options)
An options object containing instructions for the plugin. Must be an instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions or the Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidateOptions class.
A Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer object containing the result of the processing.