Namespace Aspose.Tasks
Class Name | Description |
ApsLayoutBuilderOutOfMemoryException | Represents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to continue an image layout building. |
Asn | Represents properties of Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignment object. |
AssignmentBaseline | Represents Baseline of a resource assignment. |
AssignmentBaselineCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.AssignmentBaseline objects. |
AvailabilityPeriod | Represents a period when a resource is available. |
AvailabilityPeriodCollection | Represents a collection which contains Aspose.Tasks.AvailabilityPeriod objects. |
Baseline | Represents baseline values of a resource. |
BaselineCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.Baseline objects. |
BitmapInvalidSizeException | Represents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to create a bitmap instance. |
BuildVersionInfo | Contains build version and product information. |
ByMonthDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month. |
ByMonthWeekDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the position of weekday in a month. |
ByYearDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month. |
ByYearWeekDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on position of a weekday in a month. |
Calendar | Represents a calendar used in a project. |
CalendarCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.Calendar objects. |
CalendarException | Represent exceptional time periods in a calendar. |
CalendarExceptionCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.CalendarException objects. |
CompoundDocumentHeaderException | Represents an exception which is thrown when the header of MPP file is broken. |
CopyToOptions | Allows to specify additional options when copying project data. |
CssSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external CSS file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format. |
DailyCalendarRepetition | Represents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on calendar days. |
DailyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a daily recurring task in a project. |
DailyRepetitionBase | Represents a base class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern. |
DailyWorkRepetition | Represents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on work days. |
DayTypeCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.DayType objects. |
EndAfterRecurrenceRange | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by occurrence number. |
EndByRecurrenceRange | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by finish day. |
ExtendedAttribute | Represents extended attributes. |
ExtendedAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttribute objects. |
ExtendedAttributeDefinition | Represents an extended attribute definition associated with a project. |
ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition objects. |
Filter | Represents a filter in Project. |
FilterCollection | Contains a list of Aspose.Tasks.Filter objects. Implements ICollection<Filter> interface. |
FilterCriteria | Defines the criteria that tasks or resources must meet to be displayed in MSP view. |
FontResolveEventArgs | Provides arguments for the callback that is invoked when font is resolved. |
FontSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external fonts file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format. |
FontSettings | Specifies font settings used when rendering project’s view. |
GanttChartView | Represents a GanttChart view. |
GraphicalIndicatorCriteria | Represents one graphical indicator criteria associated with an extended attribute. |
GraphicalIndicatorCriteriaValue | Represents a value used in condition check of graphical indicators criteria. |
GraphicalIndicatorsInfo | Represents an graphical indicators definition associated with an extended attribute. |
Group | Represents a group definition. A Group object is a member of the ResourceGroups collection or the TaskGroups collection. |
GroupCollection | Contains a list of Aspose.Tasks.Group objects. Implements ICollection<Group> interface. |
GroupCriterion | Represents a criterion in a group definition. The GroupCriterion object is a member of the Aspose.Tasks.GroupCriterionCollection collection. |
GroupCriterionCollection | Contains a collection of Aspose.Tasks.GroupCriterion objects. Implements ICollection<GroupCriterion> interface. |
ImageSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external image file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format. |
InvalidPasswordException | Represents the exception type which is thrown when password protected file opening with wrong password. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
LoadOptions | Allows to specify additional load parameters when loading a project from file or stream. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
MonthlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a monthly recurring task in a project. |
MonthlyRepetitionBase | Represents a base pattern for monthly day position. |
NoPrinterInstalledException | Represents an exception which is thrown when there is no installed printer in OS. |
OleObject | Represents an OLE object which can be inserter into Gantt Chart View of an MPP file. |
OleObjectCollection | Represents a collection containing the instances of the Aspose.Tasks.OleObject class. |
OutlineCode | Represents a value of an outline code. |
OutlineCodeCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.OutlineCode objects. |
OutlineCodeDefinition | Represents an outline code definition. |
OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.OutlineCodeDefinition objects. |
OutlineMask | Represents four elements of a mask which defines an outline code format. |
OutlineMaskCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.OutlineMask objects. |
OutlineValue | Represents an outline value. |
OutlineValueCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.OutlineValue objects. |
ParseErrorArgs | Provides data for the Aspose.Tasks.ParseErrorCallback delegate. |
PrimaveraBaseReader | Represents a base reader which can be used to read Project UIDs from multi project Primavera XER or XML files. |
PrimaveraProjectProperties | Represents Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML). |
PrimaveraReadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when reading Primavera Xml or Primavera Xer files. |
PrimaveraTaskProperties | Represents Primavera-specific properties for a task read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML). |
PrimaveraXerReader | Represents a reader to read Project UIDs from Primavera XER file |
PrimaveraXmlReader | Represents a reader which allows to retrieve Project UIDs from Primavera Xml file. |
Prj | Represents supported properties of Aspose.Tasks.Project object. |
Project | Represents a project. |
ProjectDisplayOptions | Represents the display options for a project instance. |
ProjectFileInfo | The class instance contains information about project file format and version of Microsoft Project where the file was created. |
ProjectInfo | Brief info about the published project available on Project Online. |
ProjectOnlineException | Represents an exception which is thrown when errors are found during interaction with Project Online or Project Server instance. |
ProjectServerCredentials | Credentials which are used to connect to Project Online or on-premise instance of Project Server. |
ProjectServerManager | The class which provides the methods to read and to perform operations on projects in the specified Project Online account or in the specified on-premise Project Server instance (Project Server’s versions 2016 and 2019 are supported). |
ProjectServerSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when project is saved to Project Server or Project Online. |
Rate | Represents a definition of a time period and rates applicable for a resource during that period. |
RateByDateCollection | Represents a collection which mappings of System.DateTime to Aspose.Tasks.Rate objects. |
RateCollection | Represents a collection which contains Aspose.Tasks.Rate objects. |
ReadOnlyCollectionBase<t> | Represents a read-only collection of objects. |
RecalculationValidationException | Represents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project after recalculation. |
RecurrencePatternBase | Represents the base class of recurrence pattern. |
RecurrenceRangeBase | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task. |
RecurringTaskInfo | Represents the details of a recurring task in a project. |
RecurringTaskParameters | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a recurring task in a project. |
Resource | Represents a resource in a project. |
ResourceAssignment | Represents a resource assignment in a project. |
ResourceAssignmentCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignment objects. |
ResourceCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.Resource objects. |
ResourceSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external resource file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format. |
ResourceUsageView | Represents resource usage view in a project. |
ResourceUsageViewFieldCollection | Represent a collection of Aspose.Tasks.ResourceUsageViewField values. |
ResourceValidationException | Represents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in resource’s properties. |
Rsc | Represents supported properties of Aspose.Tasks.Resource object. |
SplitPart | Represents a task portion. The SplitPart is a member of the task’s SplitParts collection. |
SplitPartCollection | Collection that represents the portions of a task. |
Table | Represents a table in Project |
TableCollection | Contains a list of Aspose.Tasks.Table objects. Implements ICollection<Table> interface. |
TableField | Represents a field of a table in a project. |
TableFieldCollection | Contains a list of Aspose.Tasks.TableField objects. Implements IList<TableField> interface. |
Task | Represents a task in a project. |
TaskBaseline | Represents Baseline of a Task. |
TaskBaselineCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.TaskBaseline objects. |
TaskCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.Task objects. |
TaskLink | Represents a predecessor link. |
TaskLinkCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.Task objects. |
TaskUsageView | Represents task usage view in a project. |
TaskUsageViewFieldCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.TaskUsageViewField values. |
TaskValidationException | Represents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project’s tasks after recalculation. |
TasksException | Represents the standard internal exception type. |
TasksLoggedException | Represents the standard internal exception type. |
TasksReadingException | Represents the standard internal reading exception type. |
TasksRenderingException | Represents the exception that can occur when rendering a project’s view to a graphical format. |
TasksWritingException | Represents the standard internal writing exception type. |
TimelineView | Represents a timeline view of a project. |
TimephasedData | Represents a time phased data. |
TimephasedDataCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.TimephasedData objects. |
Tsk | Represents properties of Aspose.Tasks.Task object. |
UnexpectedFileFormatException | Represents an exception which is thrown when file format has unexpected format or structure. |
UsageView | Represent a usage view in a project. |
ValidationException | Represents an exception which is thrown when errors are found during validation of entity. |
Value | Represents a value in a value list. |
VbaModule | Represents a VBA module. |
VbaModuleAttribute | The attribute of the Aspose.Tasks.VbaModule object |
VbaModuleAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.VbaModuleAttribute objects. |
VbaModuleCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.VbaModule objects. |
VbaProject | Represents Aspose.Tasks.VbaProject. |
VbaReference | Represents a reference of the Aspose.Tasks.VbaProject. |
VbaReferenceCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.VbaReference objects. |
View | Represents a view in Project. |
ViewCollection | Contains a list of Aspose.Tasks.View objects. Implements ICollection<View> interface. |
WBSCodeDefinition | Represents a WBS Code Definition. |
WBSCodeMask | Represents WBS Code mask. |
WBSCodeMaskCollection | Represents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects. |
WebRequestEventArgs | Provides arguments for the event that is raised when the client sends a web request to the Project Server’s web API. |
WeekDay | Represents a weekday which either defines regular days of a week or exception days in a calendar. |
WeekDayCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.WeekDay objects. |
WeeklyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a weekly recurring task in a project. |
WeeklyRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on weekdays. |
WeeklyRepetitionBase | Represents a base class for repetitions in weekly recurrence pattern. |
WorkUnit | Represents working hours. |
WorkWeek | Represent WorkWeek class |
WorkWeekCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.WorkWeek objects. |
WorkingTime | Represents a working time during a weekday. |
WorkingTimeCollection | Represents a collection of Aspose.Tasks.WorkingTimeCollection objects. |
YearlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a yearly recurring task in a project. |
YearlyRepetitionBase | Represents a base pattern for yearly day position. </t> |
Represents duration in a project.
Represents a property key of a class of the specified type. An instance of this class is used when getting or setting property of a container.
A class for boolean values with possibility to check whether the value was defined or not.
Interface Name | Description |
ICssSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store CSS. |
IFontSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store fonts. |
IImageSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store images. |
IMessageHandler | Represents a callback the results of resource leveling. |
IVbaModule | Represents a module with VBA code. |
Enum Name | Description |
ApplicationInfo | Specifies the project version where the file was created. |
AsnKey | Represents a list of supported assignment fields. |
BackgroundPattern | Specifies the background pattern. |
BaselineType | Specifies the baseline type used to calculate Variance values. |
BookingType | Specifies the booking type of a resource. |
CalculationMode | Specifies project calculation mode. |
CalculationType | Specifies the type of a calculation of the custom attribute’s value. |
CalendarExceptionType | Specifies the calendar exception type. |
ConstraintType | Specifies the constraint on the start or finish date of a task. |
CostAccrualType | Specifies the type of an accrual cost. |
CurrencySymbolPositionType | Specifies the position of a currency symbol. |
CustomFieldType | Specifies the type of a custom field. |
DateFormat | Specifies the date format. |
DayLabelDisplay | Specifies how the day label displays. |
DayType | Specifies the day of a week. |
EarnedValueMethodType | Specifies the method used for calculating earned value. |
ElementType | Specifies the type of an element. |
ExtendedAttributeResource | Specifies the extended attributes FieldId used in a resource. |
ExtendedAttributeTask | Specifies the extended attributes FieldId used in a task. |
Field | Specifies a field in the Microsoft Office Project. |
FileFormat | Specifies the project’s file format. |
FilterComparisonType | The type of comparison made between FieldName and Value that acts as selection criteria for a filter or graphical indicator. |
FilterOperation | Specifies how the criterion established with FieldName, FilterComparisonType, and Value relates to other criteria in the filter. |
FontFaceType | Enumerates font face types |
GanttBarSize | Specifies the height of a bar in points. |
GraphicalIndicatorCriteriaType | Represents placement of graphical indicator criteria. |
GroupOn | Specifies the type of grouping. |
HourLabelDisplay | Specifies how the hour label displays. |
HtmlImageType | Represents HTML image type. |
ItemType | Specifies the type of an item. |
MaskType | Specifies the type of a mask. |
MessageLevel | Defines the possible message verbosity levels. |
MinuteLabelDisplay | Specifies how the minute label displays. |
Month | Specifies the month. |
MonthItemType | Specifies the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled. |
MonthLabelDisplay | Specifies how the month label displays. |
MonthPosition | Specifies the position of a month item within a month. |
OrdinalNumber | Represents an ordinal number in the instance of Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskInfo class. |
OutlineValueType | Specifies the type of an outline value. |
PrjKey | Represents a list of supported project fields. |
RateFormatType | Specifies the units used by Microsoft Project to display a rate. |
RateScaleType | Specifies the rate scale type. |
RateType | Specifies the unique identifiers of a rate table. |
RecurrencePattern | Represents a type of recurrence pattern of a recurrent task. |
ResourceExportType | Specifies the resource export type for HTML format. |
ResourceType | Specifies the type of a resource. |
ResourceUsageViewField | Represents possible fields in Aspose.Tasks.ResourceUsageView object resource usage view field. |
RollupType | Specifies the rollup type. |
RscKey | Represents a list of supported resource fields. |
SummaryRowsCalculationType | Specifies the type of a calculation of the custom attribute’s value for summary rows. |
TaskKey | Represents a list of supported task fields. |
TaskLinkType | Specifies the type of tasks dependency. |
TaskStartDateType | Specifies the type of a task’s start date. |
TaskStatus | Specifies the status of a task. |
TaskType | Specifies the type of a task. |
TaskUsageViewField | Represents possible fields in Aspose.Tasks.TaskUsageView object. |
TimeUnitType | Specifies the type of a time unit. |
TimephasedDataType | Specifies the type of time phased data. |
UndefinedConstraintHandlingBehavior | Specifies the behavior used to handle tasks with undefined constraints. |
ViewScreen | Specifies the screen type for a view. |
WBSSequence | Specifies sequence for WBSCodeMask |
WeekLabelDisplay | Specifies how the week label displays. |
WeekdayType | Represents a weekday of a project in the instance of Aspose.Tasks.RecurringTaskInfo class. |
WorkContourType | Specifies the contour of a work. |
WorkGroupType | Specifies the type of a workgroup. |
YearLabelDisplay | Specifies how the year label displays. |
Represents a method callback to handle font resolve event.
Represents a method callback to handle parse errors that can happen when reading xml data. </t,>