Enum FilterComparisonType
Namespace: Aspose.Tasks
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)
The type of comparison made between FieldName and Value that acts as selection criteria for a filter or graphical indicator.
public enum FilterComparisonType
Contains = 8
The value of Field contains Value.
ContainsExactly = 11
The value of Field exactly contains Value.
DoesNotContain = 10
The value of Field does not contain Value.
DoesNotEqual = 7
The value of Field does not equal Value.
Equals = 6
The value of Field equals Value.
IsAnyValue = 255
‘Is any value’ condition. Applicable to graphical indicators.
IsGreaterThan = 2
The value of Field is greater than Value.
IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo = 4
The value of Field is greater than or equal to Value.
IsLessThan = 3
The value of Field is less than Value.
IsLessThanOrEqualTo = 5
The value of Field is less than or equal to Value.
IsNotWithin = 9
The value of Field is not within Value.
IsOneOf = 12
The value of Field equals to one of the specified Values. Used in AutoFilters.
IsWithin = 1
The value of Field is within Value.
Undefined = 0
Undefined value.