Enum PrjKey
Namespace: Aspose.Tasks
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)
Represents a list of supported project fields.
public enum PrjKey : byte
ActualsInSync = 60
Represents the ActualsInSync (Project) field.
AdminProject = 63
Represents the AdminProject (Project) field.
AreEditableActualCosts = 34
Represents the AreEditableActualCosts (Project) field.
Author = 8
Represents the Author (Project) field.
AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks = 52
Represents the AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks (Project) field.
AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts = 79
Determines whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.
Autolink = 56
Represents the Autolink (Project) field.
BaselineForEarnedValue = 51
Represents the BaselineForEarnedValue (Project) field.
Calendar = 21
Represents the Calendar (Project) field.
Category = 5
Represents the Category (Project) field.
Comments = 67
Represents the Comments (Project) field.
Company = 6
Represents the Company (Project) field.
CreationDate = 9
Represents the CreationDate (Project) field.
CriticalSlackLimit = 16
Represents the CriticalSlackLimit (Project) field.
CurrencyCode = 19
Represents the CurrencyCode (Project) field.
CurrencyDigits = 17
Represents the CurrencyDigits (Project) field.
CurrencySymbol = 18
Represents the CurrencySymbol (Project) field.
CurrencySymbolPosition = 20
Represents the CurrencySymbolPosition (Project) field.
CurrentDate = 54
Represents the CurrentDate (Project) field.
CustomDateFormat = 80
Represents user-defined date format.
DateFormat = 22
Represents the DateFormat (Project) field.
DaysPerMonth = 27
Represents the DaysPerMonth (Project) field.
DefaultCalendarGuid = 76
Default calendar guid.
DefaultCalendarUid = 77
Default calendar uid.
DefaultFinishTime = 24
Represents the DefaultFinishTime (Project) field.
DefaultFixedCostAccrual = 29
Represents the DefaultFixedCostAccrual (Project) field.
DefaultOvertimeRate = 31
Represents the DefaultOvertimeRate (Project) field.
DefaultStandardRate = 30
Represents the DefaultStandardRate (Project) field.
DefaultStartTime = 23
Represents the DefaultStartTime (Project) field.
DefaultTaskEVMethod = 58
Represents the DefaultTaskEVMethod (Project) field.
DefaultTaskType = 28
Represents the DefaultTaskType (Project) field.
DurationFormat = 32
Represents the DurationFormat (Project) field.
EarnedValueMethod = 36
Represents the EarnedValueMethod (Project) field.
ExtendedCreationDate = 59
Represents the ExtendedCreationDate (Project) field.
FinishDate = 14
Represents the FinishDate (Project) field.
FiscalYearStart = 45
Represents the FiscalYearStart (Project) field.
FyStartDate = 15
Represents the FyStartDate
(Project) field.
Guid = 78
Represents the guid of a project.
HonorConstraints = 35
Represents the HonorConstraints (Project) field.
HyperlinkBase = 72
Represents the HyperlinkBase (Project) field.
InsertedProjectsLikeSummary = 37
Represents the InsertedProjectsLikeSummary (Project) field.
KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled = 75
Represents the KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled (Project) field.
Keywords = 68
Represents the Keywords (Project) field.
LastAuthor = 70
Represents the LastAuthor (Project) field.
LastPrinted = 71
Represents the LastPrinted (Project) field.
LastSaved = 11
Represents the LastSaved (Project) field.
Manager = 7
Represents the Manager (Project) field.
MicrosoftProjectServerURL = 55
Represents the MicrosoftProjectServerURL (Project) field.
MinutesPerDay = 25
Represents the MinutesPerDay (Project) field.
MinutesPerWeek = 26
Represents the MinutesPerWeek (Project) field.
MoveCompletedEndsBack = 47
Represents the MoveCompletedEndsBack (Project) field.
MoveCompletedEndsForward = 50
Represents the MoveCompletedEndsForward (Project) field.
MoveRemainingStartsBack = 48
Represents the MoveRemainingStartsBack (Project) field.
MoveRemainingStartsForward = 49
Represents the MoveRemainingStartsForward (Project) field.
MultipleCriticalPaths = 38
Represents the MultipleCriticalPaths (Project) field.
Name = 64
Represents the Name (Project) field.
NewTaskStartDate = 57
Represents the NewTaskStartDate (Project) field.
NewTasksAreManual = 73
Represents the NewTasksAreManual (Project) field.
NewTasksEffortDriven = 39
Represents the NewTasksEffortDriven (Project) field.
NewTasksEstimated = 40
Represents the NewTasksEstimated (Project) field.
ProjectExternallyEdited = 61
Represents the ProjectExternallyEdited (Project) field.
RemoveFileProperties = 62
Represents the RemoveFileProperties (Project) field.
Revision = 10
Represents the Revision (Project) field.
SaveVersion = 1
Represents the SaveVersion (Project) field.
ScheduleFromStart = 12
Represents the ScheduleFromStart (Project) field.
ShowProjectSummaryTask = 0
Represents the ShowProjectSummaryTask (Project) field.
SplitsInProgressTasks = 41
Represents the SplitsInProgressTasks (Project) field.
SpreadActualCosts = 42
Represents the SpreadActualCosts (Project) field.
SpreadPercentComplete = 43
Represents the SpreadPercentComplete (Project) field.
StartDate = 13
Represents the StartDate (Project) field.
StatusDate = 53
Represents the StatusDate (Project) field.
Subject = 4
Represents the Subject (Project) field.
TaskUpdatesResource = 44
Represents the TaskUpdatesResource (Project) field.
Template = 69
Represents the Template (Project) field.
TemplateFullPath = 81
Represents the Template (Project) full file name.
TimescaleFinish = 66
Represents the TimescaleFinish (Project) field.
TimescaleStart = 65
Represents the TimescaleStart (Project) field.
Title = 3
Represents the Title (Project) field.
Uid = 2
Represents the Uid (Project) field.
UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks = 74
Represents the UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks (Project) field.
WeekStartDay = 46
Represents the WeekStartDay (Project) field.
WorkFormat = 33
Represents the WorkFormat (Project) field.