Class Rsc
Namespace: Aspose.Tasks
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)
Represents supported properties of Aspose.Tasks.Resource object.
public static class Rsc
Inherited Members
object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
The actual cost of a work performed by a resource for the project to-date.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> ACWP
Field Value
Determines how and when resource standard and overtime costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task.
public static readonly Key<costaccrualtype, rsckey=""> AccrueAt
Field Value
Key<CostAccrualType, RscKey>
The Active Directory Guid for a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> ActiveDirectoryGuid
Field Value
Costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, along with any other recorded costs associated with the task.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> ActualCost
Field Value
Costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> ActualOvertimeCost
Field Value
The actual amount of overtime work already performed by resource assigned to tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> ActualOvertimeWork
Field Value
The amount of work through which actual overtime work is protected.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> ActualOvertimeWorkProtected
Field Value
The amount of work that has already been done by resource assigned to tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> ActualWork
Field Value
The amount of work through which actual work is protected.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> ActualWorkProtected
Field Value
The name of an assignment owner.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> AssignmentOwner
Field Value
The GUID of an assignment owner.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> AssignmentOwnerGuid
Field Value
The starting date that a resource is available for work at the units specified for the current time period.
public static readonly Key<datetime, rsckey=""> AvailableFrom
Field Value
The end date that a resource is available for work at the units specified for the current time period.
public static readonly Key<datetime, rsckey=""> AvailableTo
Field Value
The budgeted cost of a work performed by a resource for the project to-date.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> BCWP
Field Value
The budget cost of a work scheduled for a resource.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> BCWS
Field Value
The booking type of a resource.
public static readonly Key<bookingtype, rsckey=""> BookingType
Field Value
Key<BookingType, RscKey>
Budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> BudgetCost
Field Value
budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> BudgetWork
Field Value
The earned value cost variance, through the project status date. CV is the difference between the task’s BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) and ACWP (actual cost of work performed).
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> CV
Field Value
The calendar of a resource.
public static readonly Key<calendar, rsckey=""> Calendar
Field Value
Determines whether resource leveling can be done on a resource.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> CanLevel
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
The code or other information about a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Code
Field Value
The total scheduled or projected cost for a resource, based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> Cost
Field Value
Indicates which cost center the costs accrued by the resource should be charged to.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> CostCenter
Field Value
The cost that accrues every time that a resource is used.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> CostPerUse
Field Value
The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a resource.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> CostVariance
Field Value
The date and time when a resource was added to the project.
public static readonly Key<datetime, rsckey=""> Created
Field Value
The email address of a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> EMailAddress
Field Value
The date when a resource is scheduled to complete work on all assigned tasks.
public static readonly Key<datetime, rsckey=""> Finish
Field Value
The group to which a resource belongs.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Group
Field Value
Contains the generated unique identification code for the resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Guid
Field Value
The title or explanatory text of a hyperlink associated with a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Hyperlink
Field Value
The address for a hyperlink associated with a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> HyperlinkAddress
Field Value
The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.
The specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> HyperlinkSubAddress
Field Value
The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.
The position identifier of a resource within the list of resources.
public static readonly Key<int, rsckey=""> Id
Field Value
Determines whether a resource was made inactive by a user who has administrative rights.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> Inactive
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
The initials of a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Initials
Field Value
Determines whether a work, material, or cost resource is a budget resource.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> IsBudget
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
Determines whether a resource is a cost resource.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> IsCostResource
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
Shows whether a resource is from the enterprise resource pool (true) or the local resource pool (false).
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> IsEnterprise
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
Determines whether a resource is generic or not.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> IsGeneric
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
Determines whether a resource is null.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> IsNull
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
Shows whether the current resource is a team resource.
public static readonly Key<bool, rsckey=""> IsTeamAssignmentPool
Field Value
The unit of measure for the material resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> MaterialLabel
Field Value
The maximum number of units representing the maximum capacity for which a resource is available to accomplish any tasks during the current time period.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> MaxUnits
Field Value
The name of a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Name
Field Value
The text notes in RTF format.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> NotesRTF
Field Value
Notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> NotesText
Field Value
Indicates whether a resource is assigned to more work on a specific task or all tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, rsckey=""> Overallocated
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, RscKey>
The total overtime cost for a resource on all assigned tasks.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> OvertimeCost
Field Value
The rate of pay for overtime work performed by a resource.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> OvertimeRate
Field Value
The units used by Microsoft Project to display the overtime rate.
public static readonly Key<rateformattype, rsckey=""> OvertimeRateFormat
Field Value
Key<RateFormatType, RscKey>
The amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by a resource on a task and charged at the overtime rates of the resources involved.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> OvertimeWork
Field Value
The maximum assignment unit for a resource at any one point in time for all tasks to which the resource is assigned.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> PeakUnits
Field Value
The percentage of work completed across all tasks.
public static readonly Key<int, rsckey=""> PercentWorkComplete
Field Value
The phonetic spelling of the resource name. For use with Japanese only.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> Phonetics
Field Value
The total amount of non overtime work scheduled to be performed by resource.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> RegularWork
Field Value
The remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> RemainingCost
Field Value
The remaining scheduled overtime expense for a resource.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> RemainingOvertimeCost
Field Value
The amount of remaining scheduled overtime.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> RemainingOvertimeWork
Field Value
The time still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> RemainingWork
Field Value
The earned value schedule variance, through the project status date. SV is the difference between budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) and budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS).
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> SV
Field Value
The rate of pay for regular, non-overtime work performed by a resource.
public static readonly Key<decimal, rsckey=""> StandardRate
Field Value
The units used by Microsoft Project to display the standard rate.
public static readonly Key<rateformattype, rsckey=""> StandardRateFormat
Field Value
Key<RateFormatType, RscKey>
The date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, rsckey=""> Start
Field Value
The type of a resource.
public static readonly Key<resourcetype, rsckey=""> Type
Field Value
Key<ResourceType, RscKey>
The unique identifier of a resource.
public static readonly Key<int, rsckey=""> Uid
Field Value
The NT account associated with a resource.
public static readonly Key<string, rsckey=""> WindowsUserAccount
Field Value
The total amount of time scheduled for a resource on a task.
public static readonly Key<duration, rsckey=""> Work
Field Value
The difference between baseline work of a resource and the currently scheduled work.
public static readonly Key<double, rsckey=""> WorkVariance
Field Value
The type of a workgroup to which a resource belongs.
public static readonly Key<workgrouptype, rsckey=""> Workgroup
Field Value
Key<WorkGroupType, RscKey> </workgrouptype,></double,></duration,></string,></int,></resourcetype,></datetime,></rateformattype,></decimal,></double,></duration,></duration,></decimal,></decimal,></duration,></string,></int,></double,></duration,></rateformattype,></decimal,></decimal,></nullablebool,></string,></string,></string,></double,></string,></bool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></string,></nullablebool,></int,></string,></string,></string,></string,></string,></datetime,></string,></datetime,></double,></decimal,></string,></decimal,></string,></nullablebool,></calendar,></double,></duration,></decimal,></bookingtype,></double,></double,></datetime,></datetime,></string,></string,></duration,></duration,></duration,></duration,></decimal,></decimal,></string,></costaccrualtype,></double,>