Enum RscKey

Enum RscKey

Namespace: Aspose.Tasks
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)

Represents a list of supported resource fields.

public enum RscKey : byte


ACWP = 8

Represents the ACWP (Resource) field.

AccrueAt = 1

Represents the Accrue At (Resource) field.

ActiveDirectoryGuid = 14

Represents the Active Directory Guid (Resource) field.

ActualCost = 2

Represents the Actual Cost (Resource) field.

ActualOvertimeCost = 3

Represents the Actual Overtime Cost (Resource) field.

ActualOvertimeWork = 4

Represents the Actual Overtime Work (Resource) field.

ActualOvertimeWorkProtected = 5

Represents the Actual Overtime Work Protected (Resource) field.

ActualWork = 6

Represents the Actual Work (Resource) field.

ActualWorkProtected = 7

Represents the Actual Work Protected (Resource) field.

AssignmentOwner = 9

Represents the Assignment Owner (Resource) field.

AssignmentOwnerGuid = 10

Represents the Assignment Owner Guid (Resource) field.

AssignmentUnits = 11

Represents the Assignment Units (Resource) field.

AvailableFrom = 12

Represents the Available From (Resource) field.

AvailableTo = 13

Represents the Available To (Resource) field.

BCWP = 16

Represents the BCWP (Resource) field.

BCWS = 17

Represents the BCWS (Resource) field.

BaseCalendar = 15

Represents the Base Calendar (Resource) field.

BookingType = 18

Represents the Booking Type (Resource) field.

BudgetCost = 20

Represents the Budget Cost (Resource) field.

BudgetWork = 19

Represents the Budget Work (Resource) field.

CV = 31

Represents the CV (Resource) field.

Calendar = 21

Represents the Calendar GUID (Resource) field.

CanLevel = 22

Represents the Can Level (Resource) field.

Code = 23

Represents the Code (Resource) field.

Confirmed = 24

Represents the Confirmed (Resource) field.

Cost = 25

Represents the Cost (Resource) field.

CostCenter = 26

Represents the Cost Center (Resource) field.

CostPerUse = 27

Represents the Cost Per Use (Resource) field.

CostRateTable = 28

Represents the Cost Rate Table (Resource) field.

CostVariance = 29

Represents the Cost Variance (Resource) field.

Created = 30

Represents the Created (Resource) field.

EMailAddress = 33

Represents the EMail Address (Resource) field.

Finish = 39

Represents the Finish (Resource) field.

Group = 40

Represents the Group (Resource) field.

GroupBySummary = 41

Represents the Group by Summary (Resource) field.

Guid = 42

Represents the GUID (Resource) field.

Hyperlink = 43

Represents the Hyperlink (Resource) field.

HyperlinkAddress = 44

Represents the Hyperlink Address (Resource) field.

HyperlinkHref = 45

Represents the Hyperlink HRef (Resource) field.

HyperlinkSubAddress = 46

Represents the Hyperlink Sub Address (Resource) field.

Id = 47

Represents the ID (Resource) field.

Inactive = 38

Represents the Inactive (Resource) field.

Initials = 48

Represents the Initials (Resource) field.

IsAssignment = 49

Represents the Is Assignment (Resource) field.

IsBudget = 34

Represents the Budget (Resource) field.

IsCostResource = 37

Represents the Is Cost (Resource) field.

IsEnterprise = 36

Represents the Enterprise (Resource) field.

IsGeneric = 35

Represents the Generic (Resource) field.

IsNull = 50

Represents IsNull field.

IsTeamAssignmentPool = 51

Represents the Is Team (Resource) field.

LevelingDelay = 52

Represents the Leveling Delay (Resource) field.

LinkedFields = 53

Represents the Linked Fields (Resource) field.

MaterialLabel = 54

Represents the Material Label (Resource) field.

MaxUnits = 55

Represents the Max Units (Resource) field.

Name = 0

Represents the Name (Resource) field.

Notes = 56

Represents the Notes (Resource) field.

NotesRTF = 57

Represents the Notes RTF (Resource) field.

NotesText = 58

Represents the Notes Text (Resource) field.

Overallocated = 59

Represents the Overallocated (Resource) field.

OvertimeCost = 60

Represents the Overtime Cost (Resource) field.

OvertimeRate = 61

Represents the Overtime Rate (Resource) field.

OvertimeRateFormat = 62

Represents the Overtime Rate Format (Resource) field.

OvertimeWork = 63

Represents the Overtime Work (Resource) field.

PeakUnits = 64

Represents the Peak Units (Resource) field.

PercentWorkComplete = 65

Represents the Percent Work Complete (Resource) field.

Phonetics = 66

Represents the Phonetics (Resource) field.

Project = 67

Represents the Project (Resource) field.

RegularWork = 68

Represents the Regular Work (Resource) field.

RemainingCost = 69

Represents the Remaining Cost (Resource) field.

RemainingOvertimeCost = 70

Represents the Remaining Overtime Cost (Resource) field.

RemainingOvertimeWork = 71

Represents the Remaining Overtime Work (Resource) field.

RemainingWork = 72

Represents the Remaining Work (Resource) field.

ResponsePending = 73

Represents the Response Pending (Resource) field.

SV = 32

Represents the SV (Resource) field.

StandardRate = 74

Represents the Standard Rate (Resource) field.

StandardRateFormat = 75

Represents the Standard Rate Format (Resource) field.

Start = 76

Represents the Start (Resource) field.

Type = 77

Represents the Type (Resource) field.

Uid = 78

Represents the UniqueID (Resource) field.

VAC = 79

Represents the VAC (Resource) field.

WBS = 80

Represents the WBS (Resource) field.

WindowsUserAccount = 81

Represents the Windows User Account (Resource) field.

Work = 82

Represents the Work (Resource) field.

WorkContour = 83

Represents the Work Contour (Resource) field.

WorkVariance = 85

Represents the Work Variance (Resource) field.

Workgroup = 84

Represents the Workgroup (Resource) field.