Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Saving

Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Saving


Class NameDescription
CsvOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving project to CSV.
HtmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to HTML.
ImageSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to images.
MPPSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving project data to MPP.
PageSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to saving of document’s page to a stream.
PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsContains details for a PDF digital signature.
PdfEncryptionDetailsContains details for a PDF encryption.
PdfSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to PDF.
PrimaveraSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving project to Primavera XER format.
PrimaveraXmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving project to Primavera xml format.
PrintOptionsAllows to specify additional options when printing project.
SaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a project into a particular format.
SaveTemplateOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving a project as a template.
SimpleSaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class that allow the user to specify basic options when saving a project into a particular format.
Spreadsheet2003SaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to Spreadsheet2003.
SvgOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to SVG.
XamlOptions/// Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XAML.
XlsxOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XLSX.
XpsOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XPS.


Interface NameDescription
IPageSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called when each page in multi page document is saved to a separate stream.


Enum NameDescription
CsvTextDelimiterText delimiter for CSV format.
DataCategoryThe category of data used when saving to CSV.
LegendDrawingOptionsSpecifies the possible options used when rendering view’s legend.
PdfComplianceSpecifies the PDF compliance level to output file.
PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithmSpecifies digital hash algorithm used by digital signature.
PdfEncryptionAlgorithmSpecifies the encryption algorithm to use for encrypting a PDF document.
PdfPermissionsSpecifies permissions to use for accessing a PDF document.
PdfTextCompressionSpecifies a type of compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images.
SaveFileFormatEnumeration for saving project format selection.
TiffCompressionSpecifies what type of compression to apply when saving pages to the TIFF format.