Class Tsk
Namespace: Aspose.Tasks
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)
Represents properties of Aspose.Tasks.Task object.
public static class Tsk
Inherited Members
object.GetType(), object.MemberwiseClone(), object.ToString(), object.Equals(object?), object.Equals(object?, object?), object.ReferenceEquals(object?, object?), object.GetHashCode()
Costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today’s date.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> ACWP
Field Value
Represents activity id field - a task’s unique identifier used by Primavera. (only applicable to Primavera projects).
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> ActivityId
Field Value
Costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, together with any other recorded costs associated with the task.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> ActualCost
Field Value
The span of actual working time for a task, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percent complete.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ActualDuration
Field Value
The date when a task was completed.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> ActualFinish
Field Value
Costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> ActualOvertimeCost
Field Value
The actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ActualOvertimeWork
Field Value
The duration through which actual overtime work is protected.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ActualOvertimeWorkProtected
Field Value
The date and time that a task actually began.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> ActualStart
Field Value
The amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ActualWork
Field Value
The duration through which actual work is protected.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ActualWorkProtected
Field Value
The cumulative value of the task’s percent complete multiplied by the time phased baseline costs.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> BCWP
Field Value
The cumulative time phased baseline costs up to the status date or today’s date.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> BCWS
Field Value
Budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> BudgetCost
Field Value
Budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> BudgetWork
Field Value
The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task. Cost Variance = Cost - Baseline Cost
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> CV
Field Value
The task calendar.
public static readonly Key<calendar, taskkey=""> Calendar
Field Value
The finish date of a delivery.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> CommitmentFinish
Field Value
The start date of a delivery.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> CommitmentStart
Field Value
Determines whether a task has an associated delivery or
a dependency on an associated delivery.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> CommitmentType
Field Value
The specific date associated with the constraint type.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> ConstraintDate
Field Value
Provides choices for the type of constraint that can be applied for scheduling a task.
public static readonly Key<constrainttype, taskkey=""> ConstraintType
Field Value
Key<ConstraintType, TaskKey>
The name of an individual responsible for a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> Contact
Field Value
The total scheduled or projected cost for a task based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> Cost
Field Value
The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> CostVariance
Field Value
The date when a task was created.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Created
Field Value
A target date that indicates when a task is to be completed.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Deadline
Field Value
Determines whether the task should be displayed as a summary task.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> DisplayAsSummary
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Specifies whether a task should be displayed on a timeline view.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> DisplayOnTimeline
Field Value
The total span of active working time for a task as entered or as calculated by Microsoft Project based on start date, finish date, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> Duration
Field Value
Task duration format.
[Obsolete("This member is obsolete and will be removed after release 24.6. Please use Task.Get(Tsk.Duration).TimeUnit property instead.")]
public static readonly Key<timeunittype, taskkey=""> DurationFormat
Field Value
Key<TimeUnitType, TaskKey>
Returns the task’s duration text.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> DurationText
Field Value
The difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a task.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> DurationVariance
Field Value
The earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> EarlyFinish
Field Value
The earliest date that a task could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> EarlyStart
Field Value
Determines whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).
public static readonly Key<earnedvaluemethodtype, taskkey=""> EarnedValueMethod
Field Value
Key<EarnedValueMethodType, TaskKey>
If a task is an external task it contains the task’s external Id.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> ExternalId
Field Value
The source location and task identifier of an external task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> ExternalTaskProject
Field Value
Contains the external task’s Unique identifier when the task is external.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> ExternalUid
Field Value
The scheduled finish date of a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Finish
Field Value
The duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates.
public static readonly Key<timespan, taskkey=""> FinishSlackTimeSpan
Field Value
Returns the task’s finish text.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> FinishText
Field Value
The time that represents the difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and its current finish date.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> FinishVariance
Field Value
Shows any non resource task expense.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> FixedCost
Field Value
Determines choices for how and when fixed costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task.
public static readonly Key<costaccrualtype, taskkey=""> FixedCostAccrual
Field Value
Key<CostAccrualType, TaskKey>
The time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
public static readonly Key<timespan, taskkey=""> FreeSlackTimeSpan
Field Value
The generated unique identification codes for a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> Guid
Field Value
Indicates whether the task has an resource assigned which has more work on assigned tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> HasOverallocatedResource
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether the Gantt bar of a task is hidden when displayed in Microsoft Project.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> HideBar
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
The title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> Hyperlink
Field Value
The address for a hyperlink associated with a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> HyperlinkAddress
Field Value
The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.
The specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> HyperlinkSubAddress
Field Value
The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.
The position identifier of a task within the list of tasks.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> Id
Field Value
Determines whether the scheduling of the task considers the calendars of the resources assigned to the task.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IgnoreResourceCalendar
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Indicates whether to hide the schedule conflict warning indicator in Microsoft Project.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> IgnoreWarnings
Field Value
Determines whether a task is active. Inactive tasks no longer affect other tasks or the overall Project schedule.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsActive
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is on the critical path.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsCritical
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether the scheduling for the task is effort-driven scheduling.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsEffortDriven
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is estimated.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsEstimated
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a summary task is expanded or not in GanttChart view.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsExpanded
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is external.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> IsExternalTask
Field Value
Determines whether a task is manually scheduled.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsManual
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Shows whether a task is marked for further action or identification of some kind.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> IsMarked
Field Value
Applies to mpp file format only.
Determines whether a task is a milestone.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsMilestone
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is a null task.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsNull
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Indicates whether any of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task than can be done withing the normal working capacity.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsOverallocated
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether the current task should be published to Project Server with the rest of the project.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsPublished
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is part of a series of recurring tasks.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsRecurring
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task can be resumed.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsResumeValid
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether information about the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsRollup
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is an inserted project.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> IsSubproject
Field Value
Determines whether a subproject is read-only.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> IsSubprojectReadOnly
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether a task is a summary task.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> IsSummary
Field Value
The latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> LateFinish
Field Value
The latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> LateStart
Field Value
Determines whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments in order to resolve over allocations.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> LevelAssignments
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
Determines whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task.
public static readonly Key<nullablebool, taskkey=""> LevelingCanSplit
Field Value
Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>
The time that a task is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> LevelingDelay
Field Value
Defines manually scheduled duration of a task.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> ManualDuration
Field Value
Defines manually scheduled finish of a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> ManualFinish
Field Value
Defines manually scheduled start of a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> ManualStart
Field Value
A task’s name.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> Name
Field Value
The text notes in RTF format.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> NotesRTF
Field Value
Notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> NotesText
Field Value
The outline level of a task.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> OutlineLevel
Field Value
The number that represents a task’s position in the hierarchical outline structure.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> OutlineNumber
Field Value
The total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> OvertimeCost
Field Value
The amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> OvertimeWork
Field Value
The current status of a task, expressed as the percentage of the task’s duration that has been completed.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> PercentComplete
Field Value
The current status of a task expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> PercentWorkComplete
Field Value
Percent complete value that can be be used as an alternative for calculating budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> PhysicalPercentComplete
Field Value
The finish date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> PreleveledFinish
Field Value
The start date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> PreleveledStart
Field Value
The level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> Priority
Field Value
The total amount of non overtime work scheduled to be performed by resources.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> RegularWork
Field Value
The remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> RemainingCost
Field Value
The time that is required to complete the unfinished part of a task.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> RemainingDuration
Field Value
The remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task.
public static readonly Key<decimal, taskkey=""> RemainingOvertimeCost
Field Value
The amount of remaining scheduled overtime time.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> RemainingOvertimeWork
Field Value
The time still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> RemainingWork
Field Value
The date that the remaining part of a task is scheduled to resume after entering any progress.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Resume
Field Value
The earned value schedule variance, through the project status date. Schedule variance (SV) is the difference between the BCWP and the BCWS.
public static readonly Key<double, taskkey=""> SV
Field Value
The scheduled start date of a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Start
Field Value
The duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates.
public static readonly Key<timespan, taskkey=""> StartSlackTimeSpan
Field Value
Returns the task’s start text.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> StartText
Field Value
The time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its currently scheduled start date.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> StartVariance
Field Value
The name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resources.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> StatusManager
Field Value
The date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task.
public static readonly Key<datetime, taskkey=""> Stop
Field Value
The source location of a subproject.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> SubprojectName
Field Value
The time a task’s finish date can be delayed without delaying the project’s finish date.
public static readonly Key<timespan, taskkey=""> TotalSlackTimeSpan
Field Value
The type of a task.
public static readonly Key<tasktype, taskkey=""> Type
Field Value
The unique Id of a task.
public static readonly Key<int, taskkey=""> Uid
Field Value
Work breakdown structure (WBS) codes.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> WBS
Field Value
The rightmost WBS level of a task.
public static readonly Key<string, taskkey=""> WBSLevel
Field Value
Represents the flag which indicates that task has schedule discrepancies.
public static readonly Key<bool, taskkey=""> Warning
Field Value
The total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> Work
Field Value
The difference between baseline work of a task and the currently scheduled work.
public static readonly Key<duration, taskkey=""> WorkVariance
Field Value
Key<Duration, TaskKey> </duration,></duration,></bool,></string,></string,></int,></tasktype,></timespan,></string,></datetime,></string,></duration,></string,></timespan,></datetime,></double,></datetime,></duration,></duration,></decimal,></duration,></decimal,></duration,></int,></datetime,></datetime,></int,></int,></int,></duration,></decimal,></string,></int,></string,></string,></string,></datetime,></datetime,></duration,></duration,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></datetime,></datetime,></bool,></nullablebool,></bool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></bool,></nullablebool,></bool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></bool,></nullablebool,></int,></string,></string,></string,></nullablebool,></nullablebool,></string,></timespan,></costaccrualtype,></double,></duration,></string,></timespan,></datetime,></int,></string,></int,></earnedvaluemethodtype,></datetime,></datetime,></duration,></string,></timeunittype,></duration,></bool,></nullablebool,></datetime,></datetime,></double,></decimal,></string,></constrainttype,></datetime,></int,></datetime,></datetime,></calendar,></double,></duration,></decimal,></double,></double,></duration,></duration,></datetime,></duration,></duration,></decimal,></datetime,></duration,></decimal,></string,></double,>