Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Util

Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Util


Class NameDescription
And<t>Applies logical AND to the specified conditions.
AndAllCondition<t>Applies logical AND to all conditions. For example: cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3…
CheckCircuitChecks a tree (of tasks) whether it contains a circuit.
ChildTasksCollectorCollects all child tasks.
FieldHelperHelper class which provides useful operations with fields.
ListUtilsUtility class for list processing.
Not<t>Applies logical NOT to the specified condition.
RemoveTaskRemoves the specified task from a tree of tasks.
TaskUtilsHelper class which provides useful operations with tasks.
TreeAlgorithmBase<t>A base class for implementations of Aspose.Tasks.Util.ITreeAlgorithm`1 </t></t></t></t>


Interface NameDescription
IAlgorithm<t>Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a list of objects T.
ICondition<t>Represents a condition which can be used by filters or search methods.
ITreeAlgorithm<t>Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a tree of objects T. </t></t></t>