Interface IAlgorithm

Interface IAlgorithm

Namespace: Aspose.Tasks.Util
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)

Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a list of objects T.

public interface IAlgorithm<in t="">

Type Parameters


The type of object to apply method interface to.


Alg(T, int)

Processes an object in the list. Called after Aspose.Tasks.Util.IAlgorithm1.PreAlg(0,System.Int32);

void Alg(T el, int index)


el T

Processed object.

index int

Index of the object.

PostAlg(T, int)

Called after processing of an object.

void PostAlg(T el, int index)


el T

Processed object.

index int

Index of the object.

PreAlg(T, int)

Called before processing of an object.

void PreAlg(T el, int index)


el T

Processed object.

index int

Index of the object.